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The cameras may be blind - but the little sacs of fluid we call "eyes"? They see you just fine, Jack.




I'm reminded of a scene in "The Flash" (back when I was still trying to give that show a chance), wherein The Arrow is training The Flash. "Run at me, and I'm going to put an arrow in your butt." "Ha ha! I'm The Flash! You'll never be able to even draw in time!" Zoom! "Ha ha see-" THUNK! "YOW! you had a trap set up! NO FAIR!" And the Arrow told him that with his super-speed, there was no excuse to just charge into a situation without doing detailed recon first. Jan is about to learn that lesson the hard way as well. Ideally, she should have small drones to send in ahead of going in herself. Maybe even both flying and crawling drones.


Here's where using those X-Ray, Infrared, and other sensors that allowed her to find those poor girls in the crates should be put to full use. Have them all turned on and while standing at their maximum range, you give the place as thorough once over as possible to make sure there's nothing out of place . . . and, moving with care, you keep rescanning as you get closer to catch any new details that might've been missed . . . When you have the power to see what's hiding on the other side of wall to any extent, you make sure to use it to the fullest so that you don't get blindsided.


Ohhh, Savage Squirrel will like his new toy. XD