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Hündrat is VERY strong. Her knees and elbows are made so lumpy by industrial-strength tendons.

   And here Mink makes a decision that seals two fates.



Perfesser Bear

"I broke my dolly. Fix her, please?" Ain't happening, and I don't think anyone can blame the Mink one bit.

Joel Kreissman

Might want to fake a suicide or something.

Vawkis Silverfall

And I do NOT blame you in the slightest Mink...millions of dollars, just to snuff the light of something innocent out...BLEH

Eric Adler

Mink does not need precognition to see that an act of mercy here (saving the woman's life) will only cause more suffering in the world (the woman will seek out more victims to sacrifice). Right now the Scales of Karma are balanced, especially with Hundrat's actions; she acted with her super-soldier reflexes after being kicked in the face, I doubt she was even aware of what she did until she had a moment for her consciousness to catch up with her body: ("Ow! That hurt! Why I aughta... Oh, I already did.")