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Herman doesn't really understand just how much power his fame and popularity have delivered him. But the government goombas are keen connoisseurs of such notoriety - it's how THEY got into power in the first place. So even though Herman has never abused his power - yet - the goombas will always fear it.



Major Matt Mason

"Niagara Falls?" SLOOOOOOOWLY I TURNED... ;D


I can fully agree with Reacher . . . we can't pick our species . . . and the greater % of the human race as a whole has made me ashamed to be apart of it for years. Aside from my family, close friends, and fellow artists, story writers, and creators I've met out here . . . I haven't met or known anybody that's made me okay with being born "human" . . . main reason I'm still single I'm equally ashamed to say. [blush]

Mark Ashworth

So Reacher turns and sees them at a bus stop less than three yards away, eating something they bought from a food cart. "Huh. That was easy." I jest, but it has happened in reality.