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Brand new story! You demanding fans keep me productive. A good thing, all in all?




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A Patreon of the Ahts

HJ shouldn't have been able to get that close undetected.


Yay! ^^ This should be awesome. >:D


Double whammy! Thanks Ace!

Sleepy Dave

Good call on Happy Jack. Barging in on a super powerful caster = Suicide via wizard


Is it just me or did anyone else pick up on the use of the word 'power-suiter' being used in the third panel? if anyone is still wondering if Happy Jack is using a suit or is controlling a robot from afar, that use of words is pretty telling as to witch it might be.

Perfesser Bear

Happy Jack has cornered the market on <i>looming...</i>

Travis Sebastian

I've actually been trying to look back through your older comics for who Happy Jack is and where he came from. Even doing a search of "Happy Jack" didn't yield a complete picture. Could you point to a link to all the Happy Jack stories?


Not really, but I've got a minicomic with the first Happy Jack story: "PeRkS". You can PM me your snail-mail for a physical copy, or I can send a PDF to your e-mail, whichever you prefer.

Justin Cardinal Schubert

she is a super genius Hacker Female wolf with a Tele-presence super strong Android. she calls him Happy Jack.