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Come on Minkie, stop terrifying the giant, kid-eating monster.




Mink is awesome.


Who knew the feline version of a stoner jag would mellow the big guy out?


Yay scary Mink face! :D <3 And fantastic eye bulge. Ahhh, I miss old cartoons. ^^ I'm just hoping some other Legends haven't been watching this whole event and will explain to the Yule Cat how he got tricked and that will make him an enemy again. @.@ I mean come on! You got properly bamboozled! :D Take it on the chin and find a giant ball of yarn to play with. ^^

Perfesser Bear

<i>"Pay no attention to the Mink behind the curtain!"</i> All bluff and thunder. But that's essentially all the other Yule beasts were were.