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Huh...what's Patreon's policy on funny-animal suicide? Guess I'll make this Patrons Only to play it safe.



Perfesser Bear

Way to redecorate your office for your successor! I saw worse in <i>Dick Tracy</i> back in the 1960s.


No tiddies, no naughtybits, just good old fashioned violence - public should be fine! /s I do love how you are revisiting your world's history from another POV here!


One of the most powerful women in the world, who also happens to be one "agreeable" terms with one of "The Smartest Men Alive" and good friends with one of the wildest vigilantes there is . . . I would not want to be her enemy for any reason!


You know these things, I know these things. Do THEY know these things? No, but I think they will be discovering them, to their detriment.