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To quote: "Everybody knows how dumb the average person is. Now realize that, by definition, half the population is dumber than that".

   One thing that's kept Savage alive so long, despite his hoplocentric hobby, is the fact that crime very seldom attracts the best and the brightest.




It's kind of inherent in the profession. Crime tends to have penalties far beyond the potential rewards and risks, so the more intelligent people tend to look for other ways of earning their keep.

Garry Stahl

And Savage knows something the Psycho does not.


Savage Squirrel? without a gun? HA!

Major Matt Mason

Praise "Bob"! One of my fave Stang quotes.

Perfesser Bear

<i>"You're ugly and your mother dresses you funny!"</i> Naah, doesn't have the same sting...


Savage isn't just deadly with a gun . . . as a certain Bull learned when he tried to kidnap Caroline, Savage also knows how to fight dirty and Nasty!!

A Patreon of the Ahts

Maybe SAVAGE is the stupid psychopath.... That guys IS a predator....

Mark Ashworth

"Hoplocentric" is a word I never read before and had to go look it up. Learning can be fun!