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Color is back on Sundays! If this goes over well, I might just do more with the whole "Expanded World" concept.

   I also should use the Psycological Hazard symbol more often, what with all the snowflakes about these days.

   And while I'm writing, I thought I'd thank you all. I was hit by a serious crisis at the start of this month, but your Patreon donations have (hopefully!) allowed me to weather it. I'll write up an account of the whole story once I'm sure it's over - with maybe one or two redactions to protect the innocent. Well, not innocent exactly, but I don't want them to be hurt or embarrassed any further.



Wm. Van Ness

I haven't seen this one before; an interesting concept!

Perfesser Bear

Oh, my <i>eyes!</i> My <i>brain!</i> Bestiality! Wanton, unprotected sex! Where do I sign up? Oh, wait, I'm already on Patreon...