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Give the guy credit, he keeps his cool even with a machine-pistol stuck in his ear...

   I was gonna make this page public, but then I spotted the nipple in the top panel. Geez, even the most retarded anti-sex troll wouldn't make a fuss about that, would they?

*Sigh* Can't take the chance. "Patrons Only" it is.



Garry Stahl

Nipples will destroy 'murica! But sex abusers can stay in office.

Perfesser Bear

They used to call them <b>Blue Noses</b>. The uptight, puritanical anti-sex league who wanted everybody arrested for running around naked under their furbelows and <i>good Lord,</i> put some pants on Bugs Bunny! She's female and she's a mammal. And she wears them well, thank you.