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Snitches should be grateful if all they got was stitches after ratting out the Faltown Angel of the Savage Angels.




Ain't that the truth! Hun would use 'em for punching bags, Savage would use 'em for target practice, and Max would make lab rats out of 'em! And Jack is spot on, getting "too good for their own good" as it were, heheheh. And as far as ferreting out secrets, that's like bros' pair of "tech aces". With their alien tech and ultra-advanced A.I.s that make Skynet look like a toddler's abacus, there is no secret that's ever been archived that they can't dig up. And it's that level of intel that gives them an edge in dealing with vermin and when they "take it upon themselves to clean up societies" they come across.


Yeah whoever got Mink in trouble better start heading to another planet or possibly another dimension.