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I was wracking my brains for something new to do in the Forest with Dr. Dee and Teeka. But the inspiration just wasn't flowing. I turned to flipping through my old stuff, for something to post for Sunday Naughties.

   I found a story from 30 years ago, all plotted, laid out, lettered and half-way penciled....on the great Carat-Offset paper I used to do most all of my art on. This stuff makes love to my brush-pens! But then the Icelandic printshop that made the blocks of A3 size drawing paper I used for all my comix back then, switched to a crappier grade of paper. Panicked, I bought up all of the good stuff I could get my hands on, directly from the printshop, & chopped it to size. But eventually that ran out too, and I haven't seen that sweet carat-offset paper since.

   Ah well. Time passes, and things change. Sometimes for the worse.



Mark Ashworth

You aren't the only one missing better paper, and the change may be a factor in the migration to digital.