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Hi everyone,

Second update post of the night. I always like getting these out in one go so bear with me. I've been giving this a lot of thought since I know the ink sketches were a popular thing I did. For those who don't remember, I used to offer a limited slot tier that would get an ink sketch in the mail from me every month. It was capped at 10 and was causing me serious burnout. Anyway, this is a great segue into saying: the ink sketches may be coming back.

I'm going to put this as a very big *may* currently, as I'm still figuring out what sort of scope I can deal with. I've been stagnating a lot with my feelings about Patreon lately and have been wanting to figure out some growth for a while, as I haven't been able to give this place the attention I want since my first of two back to back moves five months ago.  

The main issues with why I took down the old ink sketch tiers were that they were way too cheap and I did way too many of them. I've been floating the idea of making them a Patreon only commission slot, that I take on a month to month basis. I would make them between $80-$150, depending on complexity, and you would have to be pledged on Patreon in order to access them. 

I'd love to know y'all's thoughts on this! If you were pledged to the ink sketch tier, would you like to see it return in some way? Does taking them as Patreon exclusive commissions seem like a fair trade?


Sariya Melody

id fw it at least for a few months if i could snatch a slot !