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Hey everyone!  

I've been thinking about this a lot and I'm probably going to retire the 60$ ink sketch tier after September. If you're pledged to the tier, that means you will get two more rewards before it's gone. 

After September 30, 2022, anyone still pledged at 60$ will be treated as a monthly poster subscription.   When I started offering this tier three-ish years ago, I wanted it to be a thank you gesture to folks who wanted to support me a lot. I was also terrible at pricing art and gauging time commitments back then. These both go hand in hand with my reasons to retire the tier. 

As I've grown as an artist, I've realized that doing ten ink sketch commissions every month takes a lot of creative energy, and often I'll find myself making more mistakes than I normally would from splitting my energy between them, since they take an entire day or two to do and require essentially 10x the mental effort as a normal commission. The energy I've had to put into these sketches has often led to months where my workflow is decreased due to having to hype myself up for these sketches.  I want to extend a huge thank you to everyone who's supported or thought about supporting me at this tier. 

Your support meant the world to me back in 2019 and it does now just as much. I plan on using the extra time I get from not having to think about these sketches to reinvest in more personal art, which I've been lacking time to do lately. I will also be keeping around traditional art offerings as commissions in the future, and may make them Patreon exclusive.

Thank you for the support as always <3



if you ever decide to bring it back at a higher price, I'll be here for it, but making sure you enjoy what you do is always the most important


Was an original NLS, but due to finances had to drop off the map for a bit. Happy to be back!