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shared it on twitter, sharing it on here. Thoughts on dysphoria and body 




Sorry to comment on such an old post, but I wanted to tell you how much I love this. It really spoke to me, and I think it gave me a way to be more comfortable with my body the next time dysphoria rears its ugly head. So thank you.

Laney (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-12 08:34:04 Aw no worries at all! I'm so glad that it could help you <3 it's definitely something I still struggle with too.
2020-12-07 16:19:19 Aw no worries at all! I'm so glad that it could help you <3 it's definitely something I still struggle with too.

Aw no worries at all! I'm so glad that it could help you <3 it's definitely something I still struggle with too.