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  • 2022-05-19_22-44-48_Trim.mp4



Hi all, hope you're hungry for another update! Here I have some footage of some baseline mechanics and systems going on.

First off is some character movement! Very important. RIght now it's 8 directional freeform but will be changed to 4 way movement once we get into level design. 

You might also notice some white circles around the front of the player. Those sensors help detect collision and prevent the Player from getting stuck on the corner of a wall when walking around. This will also be useful to detect is the Player is too big for the path they are currently in, and slow down Player movement appropriately.

The next improtant thing is enemy AI. Since enemies in this game will be patrolling areas of the map and trying to target the Player once they get too close, and also lose aggro once the Player is far enough away or successfully hides, some rudiemntary pathing is needed to avoid running into (or through) walls. 

Here, a node system in play to determine where the enemy should go, from one node to the next. This behavior is called "Patrolling." If the Player gets in front of the enemy within vision, indicated by the white triangle, the enemy will change from a Patrolling state to a "Chasing" state. Once the Player has successfully outmanuevered the enemy, the enemy can then go back to its "Patrolling" state and not lose its place thanks to the node system.

While it may seem basic, this is what the core of the game will be, and thus is the first thing to flesh out before adding any extra mechanics on top. A stable foundation makes for a stronger structure.


Maze Muncher (Movement and AI)

For Patreon use only.


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