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“Now tell me, has she been a good girl?” Angela’s question was addressed to both the tiny girl excitedly looking up at her, and the cocky tomboy lazily sitting on the sofa.

Hana knew it wasn’t her place to reply. She instead opted to let her sitter fill her owner in on how she well or badly she behaved.

“She’s been great, Doc. As always. You should go on holiday more often. I think she’s taken a liking to me… Haven’t you, little one?” Lena replied, feeling every shift and movement in the carrier echoing through her sneaker’s sole.

“Yes, Miss Lena!” the shrunken woman shouted, with a level of enthusiasm that would have stunned her a few months prior.

“Good girl…” Lena whispered back, before feeling the slightest bit of joyful hopping in the carrier beneath her foot.

“That’s good news then. It means her training’s working…” Angela said, this time leaving no doubt that her words were meant for Hana’s better.

“She had a moment a couple days ago, but nothing I couldn’t handle. Just a bit of an identity crisis. The old self popped back up while she worked on Emily’s shoes. Nothing too crazy. She took care of mine to apologize, and she promised it wouldn’t happen again. Right, little one?” Lena explained, gently, yet with increased stern in her voice.

“Yes, Miss Lena! I didn’t mean to be bad!” the shrunken Hana replied with unwavering enthusiasm. She looked up to her owner. A sudden weight fell down her throat as she watched her cross her arms, worry drawn on her angelic face.

“Hmm, that’s a problem. She shouldn’t have suffered an episode this late into her cognitive reprogramming. I’ll need to do a few checks when I’m back at the lab to understand what happened. Would you mind coming by tomorrow and let me know more about it? If there’s any trigger points left in her, we need to locate them.” Angela replied, visibly annoyed.

Hana watched as her owner’s foot quickly tapped against the wooden floor. This was never a good sign. She wanted to apologize, say she was sorry for misbehaving, and promise she’d never do it again. However, deep inside her, she knew it would only make things worse. She had experienced what speaking out of turn would bring. Her subconscious was making sure she’d never live through it again - she remained silent. Her carrier suddenly felt smaller around her. It felt like the weight of the foot resting above her was about to fall down and crush her. It was happening again…

She closed her eyes, repressing the thoughts about to overwhelm her mind.

“I’m Miss Angela’s good girl. I’m Miss Angela’s good girl. I’m Miss Angela’s good girl…” she repeated to herself. The booming sound of her betters discussing her suddenly felt like distant muffled echoes. She had to repress the bad memories - the ones that hurt most. She didn’t want it to hurt anymore!

“...haven’t you, little one?” Hana heard as her mind finally found peace. She couldn’t tell what she'd been asked.

“I’m sorry, Miss Lena. I didn’t mean to, but I didn’t hear what you said…” the shrunken woman replied shyly, hoping her lapse of attention wouldn’t be perceived as anything betraying her internal battle.

“Aw, it’s okay… I think she’s tired from the road. It’s time I was on my way anyway. Get some rest Angela, lots happened while you were away. And you little one…” Lena stood up, before squatting down to bring her face at Hana’s level. “You keep being a good little girl for Miss Angela, alright?” Lena asked, her choice of tone similar to the one she’d use to talk to a well-behaving puppy. Hana shook her head up and down, making sure her agreement was seen by her caretaker. She rubbed her face on the index finger petting her through the carrier's grill. As warmth filled her tiny body again, she couldn't believe she'd acted badly towards someone so kind.

After all, Miss Lena had always been good to her, right? Right?!

Another one of my Blender experiments resulting in yet another Tracer piece! I wasn't lying when I said I had a few lined up. Is this a new canon, a sequel, yet another size version of Lena Oxton?? Don't get your hopes up, I'm making it up as I go. However, I have to admit it's been fun embracing an actively meaner side to these characters.

Working in Blender is definitely bringing a different style in my work. I can't tell if it's better, worse or just different! But in any case, I hope you'll enjoy it :)




Very nice, love a good a bit of petplay!