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“Hello? Yes Mr. Jefferson, I’ll be with you in just a bit. Alright, I’ll see you downstairs. Feel free to bother my assistant for a coffee while I make my way there.” Carol tapped her phone’s screen to hang up on her client waiting in the lobby. The old perv was yet again accused of sexual harassment in the office, but it seemed his company was happy to pay the fees of a lawyer her caliber to keep him out of any legal repercussions for his actions.

“Are we done down there? Flats aren’t gonna cut it if I wanna wrap this perv around my finger, so I better be able to see myself in those heels.” Carol’s slender feet delicately landed near her discarded stilettos as she turned around on her office chair in one swift move. An imperceptible wave of microscopic dust washed over the two shrinkies attending her shoes as their master displaced colossal amounts of air by simply crossing her legs in wait.

Based on the suddenly frenzied movements she could see from her tiny cleaners, they hadn’t done a satisfactory job yet, and they clearly knew it.

“I expected better.” Carol said, faux disappointment dripping from her lips as she enjoyed watching them double their efforts again. “Clearly you were able to work faster this whole time, but you didn’t…” the lawyer continued. “And there I was keeping some lunch to reward your efforts. Now I don’t know if you deserve it.”

Her delicate fingers pinched a small clump of sticky rice from the empty plastic sushi tray on her desk. Her eyes focused on the tiny women as the red of her lipstick marked the white grains. She delicately bit half of the already small morsel of food. With slow emphasizing movements, she chewed and swallowed, sighing with satisfaction.

Sweat rolled down Kelly and Jen’s faces as they polished the vast leather expanse as fast as their tiny arms would allow. Their stomachs growled with hunger and their heads were ready to explode in frustration. Seeing the giant bitch toy with them was infuriating, no matter how much time had passed since they had shrunk. This used to be Kelly’s office. It was her desk, her chair and now it was all gone. Jen didn’t even know who had inherited her office next door. All they were good for now was to dust their former assistant’s increasingly expensive heels. If it wasn’t for this fucking virus, they’d be the one getting ready to receive Mr Jefferson. Sadly for them, they now had as many rights in the face of the law as their former possessions.

“Alright… It’s not great but we’ll say it’s good enough. I know doing things correctly is hard for you tiny things.” Carol talked down to her tiny slaves as she grabbed the massive heels and put them on with an elegant and swift ease that made her shrinkies heads spin. “Here, because I’m a benevolent god…” the lawyer scoffed before dropping the clump of rice on the floor. Before the two shrinkies could jump on it, the dirty sole of their owner’s heel crashed down on their lunch, transforming it into a dirty grey paste. “Bon appétit, little ones. Do a better job next time and perhaps you’ll get to eat food that’s not half shit you didn’t clean in time.” Carol winked down at the specks between her feet and left, the clicks of her heels leaving her slaves trembling, not an ounce of hunger left in them.

Because can we ever get enough unfair fates inflicted by the shrinking virus?

It's a question I did ask myself recently. Recently, I've been feeling like a lot of my stories were uninspired, as I'm often unable to find enough time to dedicate to them. The creation of a post like this is a process that can take up to a full 24h of work, and while it'd be nice to spend more time on those, life's a real thing. I also feel like sometimes, visuals are straightforward enough to tell their own stories to the viewer.

In any case, I hope you enjoy this new piece!  
