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It was getting late, and Sasha didn’t plan to spend another night in her office. The luxurious room featured a cozy sofa, but she longed for the satin touch of her bed. Work had taken hold of her rhythm lately. The cocoon of freedom she built for herself felt like a shadow of its original concept - when did her drive for more overtook her desire to live life exactly as she wanted to? She closed her laptop at the thought and her monitor went black, sending a wave of relief in her tired eyes.

Sasha sighed, tired. With a delicate press of her index on the glass screen, her phone lit up, indicating 11:03PM. On the other side of her desk, a manic hum drew her out of her reverie.

The shrunken woman was bound in place, strapped on a small contraption leaving her body fully exposed to the intimidating threat of her captor’s hungry eyes. The small piece of tape on her mouth hadn’t budged in two days. The look she desperately threw at the pink-haired woman holding her captive was her only way to communicate with her. First they sent anger, profound and dark, reminiscent of all the hate the tiny woman held for her tormentor. However, as time passed, her eyes turned to pleading, hoping to appease the giant enough to free her, if but for a moment.

“If you’re not willing to tell me what I want to know, there’s no reason for you to say anything.”

At the time, the tiny woman had scoffed at the phrase. Now, humming with all her remaining strength to catch her captor’s attention, she sincerely regretted her lack of cooperation. Sasha smiled at the sight of her wriggling prisoner. She looked down on her interrogatively, an eyebrow raised, communicating her hesitation without ushering a single word. Had two days been enough for this little doll to learn her lesson? She wasn’t sure. Every mind was unique, and while some didn’t need much pressure to break, others required a bit more patience. In the end, there was always a moment when Sasha’s victims realized she had more time than they could afford, and that they would become the willing helpers she asked them to be whether they liked it or not.

“If I offer you your voice back, will you use it wisely, little girl?” Sasha asked. The shrunken woman nodded frantically, desperately trying to convey her willingness to obey. Tears rolled down her cheeks as her head shook up and down, sending ache throughout her attached limbs. “You promise?” Sasha’s face got closer to the little woman. Her captor’s warm breath sent shivers down her tiny body. She watched as the giant fingers grabbed the riding crop laying on the desk, fidgeting with its metallic end. The tiny woman didn’t dare to look her tormentor in the eye, too afraid to send any messages the pink-haired giant could misinterpret as resistance in her own gaze. She nodded frantically once again. She needed the tape to be removed. She needed to drink and eat. She needed to speak another word or she believed madness would soon take her.

“Tomorrow. We’ll see tomorrow…” Sasha rose back up, turning away from the bound woman, struggling more than ever in hope of changing her captor’s mind. But Sasha’s attention was already away from this little one’s pleas. “Jade, grab a syringe later tonight in the cabinet. Give this one a drop of water if she’s been good by then. We don’t want her secrets to die with her, now do we?” Sasha gave the tiny woman one final side look that drew a smile on her dark lips. “No we don’t…” she whispered before turning her office chair around.

The clicking sound of her heels echoed in the room as it met with the wooden floor. She watched the erratic movements down at her feet as some of her shrunken residents dusted themselves, grateful to have avoided a grim end under their owner’s red soles. “Get climbing, dolls. First one to the top is leaving the office with me tonight.” Sasha softly spoke, letting the flexible end of the crop bend along her heel and the expensive leather at the back of her boot - both a tease and a threat. She smiled as the shrunken women hurried up her foot, the light tapping of their feet echoing in the confines of her shoe. They had no idea what leaving with their Mistress tonight would entail, but they knew what disobeying would bring.

Sasha watched them for a bit. One was an online security analyst she had taken away months ago. She served her purpose, keeping her owner up to date on the latest weaknesses to seek and how to better cover her trail whilst she worked. The other, she couldn’t recall. Before Sasha could think about it any further, something in the corner of her eye distracted her. There on her opposite heel, a tiny blonde cried, holding with all her strength onto the metallic pillar. Sasha cooed, half mockingly.

“Careful now. We wouldn’t want you to break a leg, little one. Hold on a bit longer, I’m almost done for the night…” she smiled down at the tiny woman, whose eyes pleaded her mistress for help, but whose lips didn’t dare to retort.

“Final order of business for today. Juliet, can you fetch our new friend over for me?” Sasha asked, seemingly to no one. Almost nothing could distinguish Juliet from the other pets roaming about, and the little woman knew she wasn’t worth her mistress losing time searching for her when delivering orders. Sasha was a busy person, and she simply wasn’t - a person.

The shrunken brunette walked to the leather handbag, laying by the sofa opposite the desk. With the swiftness and dexterity of someone who did this many times before, she climbed inside and made her way past the items it contained. Pushing over a tube of lipstick and her mistress’ airpods case, the tiny woman finally laid her hands on Anna’s sobbing form. “Come with me, Mistress wants to see you…” Juliet said softly, offering a hand to help her new companion up. Pushing a used Kleenex out of the way and retracing her steps backward, Juliet guided the crying girl out of the dark confines of the Chanel bag.

“When we get there, bow. I know it’s the last thing you wanna hear right now, but trust me. It’ll help.” Juliet said under her breath, afraid her owner would hear her inaudible whisper. She received no other answer than a sob to her heartfelt advice.

Sasha watched as the pair slowly walked the distance back to her feet, her eyes locked on her latest victim. A few hours ago, she’d been Anna Grey, senior financial advisor at Chase. Despite what the woman had told herself while crying in Sasha’s bag on her way back from the busy Starbucks she snatched her at, it wasn’t bad luck that got Anna in this situation. Reality was that the once proud finance professional was in the unique position to help Sasha maximize the extraction of new revenues while minimizing risks of anyone connecting her disappearance to any of her activities. Anna was a brilliant advisor, with no boyfriend, girlfriend or close relative, living in a big city where people disappeared all the time. Sasha smiled as the tiny woman watched Juliet bow down to her, an expression of horrified disbelief drawn on her face.

Anna remained standing, not actively ignoring her companion’s advice, but too shocked to move. The spectacle of people no taller than her average high heel shoe left her without a voice for a moment. The idea of her own reduction in size had been hard to process as she swayed back and forth to the rhythm of her captor’s steps all afternoon. However, discovering the expanse of the scheme she was now trapped in terrified her. Anna’s stomach sunk at the thought. This pink-haired woman wasn’t a high profile criminal tracked by the federal government around the globe. She was no one, and yet she had enough people trapped in this room to justify multiple life sentences. No one was coming to save her.

“Hello, Anna.” Sasha gently spoke, the crop in her hand bending slightly more against her boot. The shrunken woman noted the creaking sound of leather, sending shivers down her spine. Despite her desire to scream, she remained silent. “Do you know why you’re here?” Sasha asked.

“No…” Anna replied, her voice trembling in fear. Her heart beat sped up as her captor raised an interrogative eyebrow. “No, Ma’am.” Anna corrected herself, unsure whether the mark of respect was even what was expected from her. A chuckle left Sasha’s lips at the words.

“Ever the good little soldier, hmm?” Sasha asked rhetorically. Anna cheeks burnt red with shame. She was a respected professional in her field, twice this giant woman’s age, she thought to herself. However, right now, she felt like a mere puddle, stoic except for the occasional shiver of fear. “You’re here because you’re good. Too good for your own self even. One of your clients is… was a good friend of mine. Last time we spoke, he shared your name with so much enthusiasm, I had to look up who you were. Unfortunately, our common friend was under a tremendous amount of pressure back then, and he simply didn’t have the time to tell me more about you.” Anna watched in horror as Sasha’s foot subconsciously twisted from left to right, making the climb harder for the women attempting it. The shrunken advisor pushed the thought out of her mind. Her clients were all busy and important people, that’s what she meant - surely.

“Anyway, now that you’re here, I’ll want you to do a few things for me. Starting tonight. Before your heart finally settles down and your eyes shut asleep, I want you to recall the names of all the good people trusting you with their investments. All of them. Then, when I’m back tomorrow, we’ll chat. You and me. Alright?” Sasha asked, almost cutely. Before Anna could answer, the crop finally snapped out of place and flung past one of the tiny climbers, missing by mere millimeters to tear out half her body. Anna’s fear immediately took over, answering in her stead.

“Yes, of course. Ma’am…” she said without thinking, terror gripping her throat with every word.

“Good. Good, little doll. I knew a professional like you would see the point in helping a client like me. Now, go with Juliet, you have a big day tomorrow.” Sasha said. It wasn’t a threat, but to Anna, the words felt like a gun pressed against her temple.

“And who’s winning?” Sasha turned her attention towards the little climbers holding on for dear life onto her boot’s wrinkles. Somehow, the tiny redhead had managed to overtake her little security analyst. Perhaps there was something to that one after all. “We’ll say you’re close enough. Hold on tight.” Sasha said, positioning the riding crop right above the redhead’s head for her to grip onto.

Sasha sighed, her day now finally over. Rising up from her chair, careful to keep her toy for the night intact, she rubbed her right hand’s fingers together. The warm moisture on them was cooling rapidly. Bringing the crop up to eye level, she looked at her struggling pet, holding on for dear life. “Keep your energy for later, little one. You’ll need it.”

The tiny redhead froze at the word. Her muscles burnt as they tried to keep her from falling to her death. As the vision of her owner’s face was replaced by the giant digit petting the top of her head, she breathed in deep, trying to calm herself and enjoy the gesture. An overwhelming smell of pleasure filled her nostrils. She’d always been a competitive person, but as Sasha smiled and walked out of the room, she couldn’t help but fear what fate winning had brought her this time.

I hope you'll enjoy this new piece! She's simply something else, isn't she? ;)

As I've mentioned in recent posts, life's been incredibly busy these past few months, so I appreciate your continuous support throughout this period. These artworks and stories take a long time to develop and execute, and while the idea of rushing something for the sake of publishing crossed my mind before, it simply isn't my style. It's what makes my work unique and what you've come to expect from me.



Zachary P (rabidsquirrel44)

Oh my god I loved this story!! I love anything with Sasha but especially this one! Hope we get to see more of Anna


Thank you, glad to hear that! And I don't know about Anna - you should know she's not really the keeper's kind :D