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The end happened faster than her mind could process. It took no time for Cpt. Caroline Stevens' aircraft to go from mach 2 to a complete stop - enough to liquify her instantly. In some kind of twisted way, it was mercy. No one wants to be aware of such a horrible fate.

It should have been a routine job. The loss of all their navigation tools was the first sign something was off. Their radios receiving no answers to their maydays was another. Two were lost before anyone could comprehend what they were witnessing. 

For a brief moment, watching through their canopies, they wondered why. In a last moment of self-aggrandizing importance, they forgot. She didn't need a reason, and she didn't owe them an explanation...

Hey! Here's a quick additional piece from the Darkstar set I shared earlier this year. Finding time to create anything has been tough lately. Work is taking most of my availability and with the heat currently going on in Europe, it's becoming hard to sit by the heater I more commonly call my computer.

Still, I wanted to get this one out! It's not big or particularly complex, but I always enjoy the sight of powerful folks toying with stupidly large stuff like it's mere kindling. As always, I hope you'll enjoy it too! :)



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