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"We have to wait further before we can greenlight human trials. I'm sorry Doctor, but you know better than me that this is standard procedure. A year goes by in a hurry, we'll be there faster than your serum shrinks mice."

At 54, Dr. Carol Evans couldn't bear the youngs' propensity to let the years go by. That cute executive might have been right on paper, but after such an extensive career in her field, Carol knew when it was time to take risks. If the higher ups were not going to let her go ahead with her plans, she'd take matters into her own hands and continue her studies one way or another.

She hadn't planned for her opportunity to arrive so soon. She was a regular at this cozy coffee. It was the complete opposite of her lab, a good place to start and end the day. Today would have been like any other, if not for the cute couple who entered as she was about to stand and leave. They were radiant together, smiling and giggling like everything was perfect in the world. Like nothing could touch them.

The thought arose a cruel idea in Carol's mind, one that got her to stay sitted despite the empty cup on her table. Her slender fingers travelled down her leather jacket's pocket where they grasped onto the small flask of serum it contained. It would barely take a drop to work. Once in the system, the agent would travel to find the nearest nerve and spread in a flash throughout the body and everything it touches.

"Go sit down babe, I can't hold on anymore. Grab me some sugar too!" Carol heard the young man say in a hurry as he dropped both coffees on the table next to hers.

That was it, her moment. Keeping an eye on the barista and her victim using the mirror in front of her, the Doctor expertidely opened the tiny bottle, squeezed the eyedropped attached to the top and pressed a single drop out of it over the exposed almond-milk latte. The deed was done. Now, Carol hoped for timing to be on her side.

Going back to her table sugar in hand, the petite brunette mouthed a timid and polite "Hello", making Carol's heart almost pinch with guilt - almost. The young woman lost no time taking a sip as she scrolled through her Instagram feed with the other hand. It was too late to go back now. Carol kept the brunette in the corner of her eye as her sight locked onto the barista in the mirror. Before the brunette could utter a panicked "What the...", her form disappeared just as the barista decided to refill her machine with beans.

Carol didn't lose a second, her eyes quickly settling onto the shrunken woman, too small to make any noise as she seemed to scream for help to anybody who would listen. In one swift move, Carol bent over and grabbed the tiny brunette woman, chair and all. Right on time as the restrooms' door opened.

Carol stayed a while, not raising any suspicion. She couldn't help but smile as the man grew desperate, interrogating the barista in regards to his girlfriend's whereabout. She knew the petite brunette could hear it all. All that separated her from being saved were a woman's hands covering her minuscule form. It was cruel, but it was needed. She was the unlucky one. 

Carol's fingers finally grasped around the puny body of her victim and shoved it in her jacket's pocket. It was time for her to go. After all, she now had a lot of work to do tonight.

Hey there! I hope you've all had a great beginning of the year so far. On my end, it's been incredibly busy (as you can imagine from my lack of updates here). Long story short, I've finally got my tools back today and decided to quickly whip something up for y'all. It's an idea that's been on my mind all throughout my break.

I originally planned to keep it simple during the rendering phase, but couldn't help but go overboard during editing. In the end, this piece allowed me to test a lot of new technics. The result is pretty different from my standard work, but I find pretty fun. Let me know what you think of it!

I have another piece (more classic this time) in the work right now for which I have to write the story. It's gonna be a good one!

It's been too long, thank you for your continued support and patience :)



Zachary P (rabidsquirrel44)

Oh my god! With no exaggeration, this scenario perfectly fits into pretty much all of my interests!! Really really hope there’s a continuation to this!!


Good to have you back!