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“All those second thoughts... They must be torture for you right now. Is that dumb little brain of yours about to break? Is it coming to terms with how fucking stupid it is?” Kaylen whispered, her warm breath softly brushing over Lucy’s face as yet another reminder of the position she had put herself in. A tear rolled down the diminished woman’s cheek as she stared at her own reflection in Kaylen’s glasses. The face she saw looked foreign - a far cry from the person she had been just an hour prior.

“You wanna know the funniest thing? I actually got scared when you contacted me. I mean, who thought ISPs had access to all that shit. Cloud storage videos? I mean that’s practically looking through someone’s window. Not only did you have raw footage, but you also had all my props’ identities. Tsk, what a bad girl… There was enough for me to get locked up for ten lifetimes in that file of yours. You just had to send it to anyone and it was a done deal. I can only imagine how wet that cute lil’ pussy of yours got looking at all those videos that night. Did you even sleep?” Kaylen continued, her gaze locked on her latest victim’s terrified face. Lucy did not budge. Despite the heat emanating from the shrink ray burning her skin, the once proud executive didn’t dare to complain, in fear of angering her new master. She could feel her entire body tremble from the cold, the fear and the lust overcoming her senses.

Lucy’s phone suddenly rang, its buzz startling the shrunken woman who did not dare look down to see who called her.

“You’re a popular girl, aren’t you? Don’t they know Lily Collins no longer exists? Not brave enough to tell the world you signed a private Stovent Agreement? I understand. Wouldn’t be easy to justify, especially in your case. It’s not like life mistreated you…” Kaylen whispered, before finally looking down to see who dared interrupt her moment. On the bright display, three letters shone above a green and a red button - Mom. A smile crept up on the model’s lips. “Aw, looks like mummy’s calling…” Kaylen gently smiled, locking eyes again with her plaything.

Lucy’s heart sank as the phone kept buzzing. Each tone felt longer than the last as time dilated. She wanted this. Despite the risks, Kaylen had even given her a way out. Still, she had put her signature on the agreement, irrevocably reducing her status as a human being to ashes. Now that it was too late, she could only hurt for the people who loved her and who would never receive closure on her disparition. The contract was but a safeguard. One Kaylen would never have to use now that she knew how to better cover her tracks. No one would ever know, and if they did, there’d be nothing they could do about it. “I’m sorry…” a weak sob escaped Lucy’s mouth.

“You should be. What kind of daughter willingly causes this much hurt to her mother? What would she think seeing you now, huh? Think she’d boast about your latest achievement in life at her next tea party? ‘Lucy? She’s given it all up to become some fetish model’s bitch. I technically don’t have a daughter anymore. I’m so proud!’” Kaylen mocked, pitching her voice up in a snarky impression of a typical Long Island one-percenter. More tears flowed down Lucy’s pale face and vaporized upon contact with the shrink ray’s emitter. The phone finally stopped ringing, plunging the studio in an eerie silence.

“Ready to go down a notch? We’re about 50% of the way there, still a long way to go.” Kaylen smiled as her finger pressed the trigger, blinding the shrunken shrunken woman. “45% now. I know you gave up your name the moment you signed those papers, but I feel you’ve officially lost it just now. Less than 50% of the woman you once were. You can’t be the size of a big dog and expect people to look at you the same, can you now?” Kaylen smirked.

“No…” Lucy weakly replied, her chin burning against the ray as her mouth opened.

“No, what?” Kaylen asked sternly, sending shivers down the shrunken woman’s body.

“No, Mistress.” Lucy immediately replied, hoping to satisfy the spark of insanity dancing in Kaylen’s eyes.

“Good girl.” Kaylen’s tone pierced through Lucy’s self-esteem, as she realized she was being talked to like a well-behaved pet would. “Such an obedient little thing already. I’ve gotta say, I’m not used to that. I mean sure I’ve got all these weirdos calling me God over the Internet but they bail the second their balls are empty. And my props aren’t the cooperative type. Understandably so. But you… You’re the perfect little bitch. I can’t wait to break that freak brain of yours even more. Till it’s mush. Till you can’t even remember you once had a name. How about we start now? Might as well rip the bandaid, don't you think? I want you to get down on your little knees. Give up that little bit of height you still have. And once that's done, I want you to beg. Beg me to press that trigger again…” Kaylen ordered, the sweet scent of her breath washing over Lucy’s body, overwhelming her senses.

In time, doubts and regrets would vanish, replaced by utter adoration for the woman who offered her what she truly wanted in life. As she fell to her knees, Lucy took one last look at everything she’d left behind her - her career, her friends, her family… It was all out of reach now.

“Please Mistress… I beg you. Press the trigger and make me your perfect little bitch…” Lucy spoke softly, her voice barely a whisper reaching Kaylen’s ears.

“Oh I will…” Kaylen replied with a devilish grin, red light flooding the studio.

A new piece with Kaylen - finally! She's genuinely terrifying, but that's why I love her. I hope you enjoy this new render and story. It was a blast to put together.

It took me a dozen hours just to get the clothes right through repeated simulations but I'm really happy with the result. I feel it makes the scene more alive! :)




Terrifying and inescapable. The story really personifies the feeling of regret and satisfaction hand in hand. Intense work man.


I love this! Really good use of D-Force, storytelling, angle and visibilities! Can’t help but think I also started a movement when using that specific shrink ray. That shape and color are almost becoming iconic at this point!


Thanks so much! D-Force is broken for me right now so I had to use Blender to sim all the clothes - it took forever to get right :D Also, very much yes! As far as I'm concerned, this is a shrink ray and it's 100% thanks to you. Good job you lil' influencer ;)