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“C’ mon, Lex! Stop being such a slob and get the fuck up…” Lily grunted as she pushed with all her puny might against the extended arm of the sleeping giant in front of her. Despite her best efforts, it did not move an inch. The shrunken woman sighed as all she could get out of her caretaker was a sleepy moan indicating she was not in the mood to leave her bed. Lily, however, was not willing to give up this easily.

“You said that last time and we missed it!” the tiny woman shouted at the top of her lungs hoping her weak voice would reach Lex’s exposed ear. Not expecting any sort of acknowledgement, Lily was taken aback when a loud and sudden snore erupted out of the titaness’ mouth, startling the tiny blonde. “Fine, I’m coming up here then…” Lily finally concluded out loud as she started making her way towards the sleeping giant’s body.

A barely perceptible smirk drew on Lex’s lips as she hazily listened to her pet’s helpless protests down below. Despite the months that had passed since she had found Lily Connors stranded in her own living room begging for help, she still found joy in ignoring the tiny blonde’s requests for attention whenever she felt like it - simply because she could. In the realm between sleep and reality, Lex wondered if the tiny bits of pressure she felt down her arms were real or just a trick of a languishing dream.

Determined to get Lex to stand by her word, Lily had climbed up the titaness’ open hand and started trekking down the length of her seemingly mile-long arm. The shrunken woman watched her footing, as the soft tanned skin of her owner could prove a tricky surface to walk on. Her eyes darted between her feet and Lex’s face in hope of detecting any sudden movement early enough to not get sent flying across the vast landscape that used to be her bed.

After a few minutes of steady progression, Lily finally reached Lex’s slightly opened mouth. Without any efforts, it blew a blanket of warm air that enveloped the tiny woman’s whole body. Each breath still smelled of whatever food and drinks the giant had enjoyed with her friends the previous night. Lily did her best to hold her own breath as she banged a couple times on her owner's upper lip with her tiny fist, hoping to finally wake her up.

“Lex it’s not fair what you’re doing! I’ve spent the night cleaning your Nikes as you asked and you said you’d show me the sunrise in the morning. You promised you wouldn’t stay out too late so we could do it. I did my part!” the shrunken woman shared in frustration as she continued to mechanically punch Lex’s lip knowing it could barely be felt anyway. “LEX!” she finally screamed out as loudly as she could. The tiny woman didn’t anticipate the sudden force sending her body flying backwards as the titaness exhaled sharply. Fortunately, Lily’s fall down Lex’s resting arm was cushioned by the plump material of the mattress below her.

Lily layed there for a few seconds with her eyes shut, feeling her tiny body dive deeper into the soft and warm fabric. “No!” she finally exclaimed to herself as she rose back up even more furious than she had been before. “You don’t get to fake being asleep just to spend hours in bed while you owe me!” Lily continued menacingly pointing her finger at the giant sleepy face dwarfing her. A long and mighty sigh answered her rant.

“Five more minutes…” Lex finally spoke, the words all mushed up together.

“No! We’re gonna miss it.” Lily retorted, getting worried her window of opportunity was passing by. Lex’s right eye opened to peek at the alarm clock on her nightstand - 6:42AM.

“We won’t miss it, five more minutes” Lex replied with enough confidence to leave the shrunken woman without the will to protest for immediate action any further. Instead, Lily was surprised when the world around her seemed to shift and the cover surrounding Lex’s body lifted up ever so slightly. The shrunken woman stayed still as she faced the obscure tunnel that formed between the warm sheets and Lex’s skin. “C’mon. Make yourself useful. Help your master to wake up…” Lex mumbled as she closed her eye back and reset her head in a comfortable position against her arm.

Lily already knew what was expected of her as she discerned Lex’s nipple barely peeking in the obscurity. The tiny woman sighed as she made her way towards it, climbing over the hills and valleys formed by the mattress’ absorption of her owner’s colossal body. “You gotta stop changing the terms of every deal you make, Lex…” the tiny woman exclaimed herself, out of breath, as she made her way beneath the bed cover.

“Hmmhmm…” was the only answer she received as she arrived at her destination. Lex’s resting breast was colossal compared to Lily’s tiny stature. The fact it could easily pulverize her if her owner were to suddenly lay on her stomach left Lily with a sentiment of anguish as she got closer.

“Don’t fall asleep again or you’ll crush me. You hear me?” Lily shouted from beneath the covers.

“Hmmhmm…” was once again the answer she received as Lex dropped the covers back completely, trapping the shrunken woman in the dark.

Her tiny hands reached forward, hoping to meet with the plump flesh of Lex’s tit. Taking a couple steps, her palm finally pressed into a rougher yet soft bit of skin - her master’s nipple. With the experience of someone who clearly did this many times in the past, Lily got to work on it, using her hands only first, before finally giving in and hugging it with her entire body. The added efforts weren’t superficial as the nipple quickly grew under the shrunken woman, reacting to her puny yet precise stimulations. Echoing in the dark cave, Lily could hear the sound of slight moans coming from her master’s chest, instantly filling her with a warm feeling of pride. She was doing good work. After a couple minutes of draining efforts, the cave once again shifted, causing Lily to grip Lex's nipple harder to avoid accidentally sliding underneath the weight of her entire breast. In the darkness of her makeshift cavern, the shrunken woman couldn’t see what had caused this shift, but she could guess her giant owner had moved her arm a bit. She continued her efforts to please the nipple under her, appreciating how hard she was able to make it as her tiny hands and feet rubbed around it. Lost in her work, neither the soft rocking motion of Lex’s body or the familiar smell of arousal rising in the air disturbed the tiny woman as she did her best to wake her master up.

“Alright cowgirl, I think I’m awake now…” Lex giggled outside the bed covers, sounding muffled for the tiny woman lost in darkness and flesh. Taking Lily by surprise, the cave suddenly shifted again as two wet digits grabbed her by her sides and lifted her up. The colder air and sudden brightness made the tiny woman shiver as she finally arose out from under the bedsheets. “Let me put something on, grab a coffee and we’ll go see that sunrise of yours.” Lex said softly, warming the trembling tiny woman with her breath.

Unceremoniously dropped onto the wooden nightstand, the shrunken woman watched with awe as her owner rose from the bed, stretched and made her way towards the bathroom. “Ugh, for fuck’s sake Lex, you gotta stop doing this…” Lily said to herself as she tried to brush away the coating her owner had left along her puny body.

The familiar sound of the toilets flushing echoed in the apartment. Lex walked back out wearing a pair of panties and a dirty flannel shirt she’d already worn twice that week. The titaness made her way towards the kitchen, and poured herself what seemingly looked like a hundred gallons of black coffee. Lily watched her go about her morning routine with endless fascination, giving in day after day to the thoughts of gratefulness that grew inside her for being her master’s pet.

“Alright, let’s go see that sunrise of yours, bug girl…” Lex finally announced making her way towards the stranded shrunken woman. Pinched between a massive thumb and index, Lily felt herself grow weightless as her owner lifted her, before dropping her back on the erect nipple she had taken care of earlier. Getting a good grip on the precarious but safe bit of skin, Lily instinctively gave it a kind rub, both to tell Lex she was ready and to keep her sit as hard as it could be.

Sipping on her coffee, Lex made her way towards the living room’s bay windows and opened them up. The cool, early morning air flushed inside the stuffy room. Lily closed her eyes, enjoying the sensation of the sea breeze on her skin. They both sighed in unison.

“Happy now?” Lex finally asked after a minute watching joggers going by and beach vendors setting up their stalls.

“Happy, Lex! Thank you.” Lily replied, relieved she got Lex to indulge in one of the only rituals reminding her of her old life.

“No worries, bug..” Lex gently said back, taking a sip of her cup and letting her pet enjoy the moment.

“Do you think we could do it again tomorrow?” Lily finally dared to ask as the pink sun rose above the horizon far in the distance.

“I don’t know, what does a lil’ thing like you have to trade to get me out of bed at 7AM two days in a row?” Lex replied, a smirk growing on her lips. Basking in the soft warmth of the early sun, Lily thought about it for a moment. “Well?” Lex continued to push, hoping to press her tiny pet into a worse deal than usual. Lily panicked, wanting this moment to repeat tomorrow more than anything else.

“Panty rides, all week long!” she replied abruptly, already regretting the words that left her mouth as she finished speaking them. Lex couldn’t help but snort in her coffee cup, completely taken by surprise. It was not a fair deal, even by her standards.

“Deal.” Lex immediately replied, trying her best to avoid giggling.

“Wait, maybe not all week…” Lily tried to retort.

“No ugh… A deal’s a deal, lil miss. You’ll see the sun rise tomorrow. And then you won’t see it again for a week.” Lex added, this time unable to contain a laughing fit forcing Lily to hold onto her master’s nipple as hard as she could.

Brushing a tear away from her cheek, Lex looked down towards the tiny gal on her tit, now seemingly more worried about her sudden exchange of favors than the sunrise she begged to watch just minutes ago.

“Oh come on, I’ll take you out. Promise. No lunch breaks in the dark. Sounds good? Now enjoy your little moment, bug. I’m going to get breakfast with Tiff at 9AM, I gotta hit the shower soon…” Lex gently said, reassuring the tiny woman just enough to let her enjoy her favorite view again.

I know y'all love Lex and Lily quite a bit so here's a new little vignette with them. I rarely do things breast-related so if you're into that, you better enjoy it! :D

My next piece is already rendered (which is quite rare) and I only need to write the story for it. It's a good one already!



SW Riddick

This is wonderful!


Lex and Lily! Thank you for another entry of them! So now they've settled into Lily's new life for months now. And with the passage of time it seems Lily gets herself into deals where her part is alot more extreme than Lex's! Damn that trickster lol! Gotta give props to Lily though, homegirl was absolutely NOT having any of it when it came to missing that sunrise. She went trooper mode to make sure she got it... even if it meant revving up Lex lol. Lex may have acted uninterested in the sunrise but given both their reactions to the morning air and the sight of said sunrise... Lily's idea was a good one <3. Speaking of Lex getting the better of Lily once again... looks like Lily's on panty duty for a week! But as always, even when Lex is seemingly being harsh, she always makes amends even in small ways to keep things interesting by making sure Lily isn't TOTALLY trapped in their all week. I never tire of these two but then again... I don't tire of your work in general! Keep up the great work man. Oh and an appropriate gif for Lily trying to maintain her balance on Lex: https://media.tenor.com/Gaf4-ujdg_IAAAAC/pbr-bull.gif