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Bitch tried to tell the newcomer to keep quiet while Master worked. Bitch told her to drink from the bowl like a good girl. Bitch silently pleaded with her not to make a fuss.

It didn't matter.

Bitch watched in silence as Master's finger flicked the newcomer in the face. Bitch kept quiet as the screams hurting her eardrums drowned in overflowing blood.

It was too late now.

Bitch tried not to cry as terror replaced pain in the newcomer's piercing cries. Bitch couldn't look away from the dreadful display she witnessed in the reflection of her bowl's water. Bitch quietly swallowed a painful sob as the newcomer's screams bubbled into silence.

It wasn't her problem.

Bitch pushed back the urge to intervene as she stared at Master's finger effortlessly keeping the newcomer's head below the water. Bitch's heart broke as her shrunken companion's movements slowed and finally stopped.

A tear dropped into Bitch's bowl, causing the surface to explode in a thousand ripples - the same ripples echoing in Master's glass as she delicately removed her finger from the water.

"If only they were all as good as you, my little Bitch..." Kaylen softly spoke, filling Bitch's body with a twisted mix of fear and pride.

She was a good Bitch. It was all that mattered now.

While Kaylen's use of her unregistered shrinking device is first and foremost professional, she doesn't always use all her "props" in her clips. Those gets to be taken home...

I hope you enjoy this new piece! It was supposed to be the first chapter of a new medley but I just don't have the time or resources right now to make it happen - so I felt like not holding it back and release it now :)




More of Kaylen please, I really like how she always has the undertone of potential having a tiny trapped in her clothes or just in her.