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The tiny lookalike’s struggles had weakened into barely audible whines. Exhausted, the tiny woman swallowed a sob as she heard the titaness’ warning. Everything around her smelled of arousal - from the slender fingers holding her, to her tiny trembling body.

The chilling touch of her soaked panties sent a shiver across Lena’s body as she rose up from her leather chair. Turning her attention towards the floor, Lena watched with amusement as her tiny helpers scurried about, desperately trying to get back to their duties as fast as they could.

You all were hooked on sweaty feet before the Anomaly, or is it just me having that effect on you?” the captain giggled. The question was rhetorical, as the young captain knew their desire to please was just a way for their brains to cope with their new reduced sizes. Not waiting for answers, Lena turned her attention back to the tiny woman laying in her palm. She couldn’t help but feel some pity for the poor thing, imagining how horrifying the past couple hours had been for her.

Pinching her minuscule ankle, Lena lifted the tiny lookalike from her hand. A faint panicked yelp escaped the shrunken woman’s mouth as she found herself dangling upside down. The distance between her and the ground below filled her with dread as the only thing saving her from the deadly fall were her tormentor’s index and thumb. Her stomach rose in her throat as she felt herself move up through the air. She finally stopped as came face to face with Lena’s gigantic almond eyes. Despite her terrifying position, the tiny woman blushed with shame as the gaze scrutinizing her made it painfully obvious how naked and vulnerable she was.

“Look, I promise things will be a lot nicer once we’re out of the woods on this one. You do this for me, I’ll do something nice for you in return. Deal?” Lena spoke with kindness, trying her best to reassure the trembling woman. Seeing nothing but confusion on her tiny face, Lena sighed. “You’ll see. It’s not so bad - I’ve heard. I’ve never actually done it, of course. But I’ve never been told it was the worst thing in the world.” Lena continued with a smile as her free hand made its way towards her waist.

The tiny lookalike watched with confusion and indignation as Lena’s thumb dove behind her pants’ waistband and delicately pulled. Finally understanding her tormentor’s intentions, the tiny woman’s struggles renewed as she felt herself inching towards the dark abyss below. Resting just a couple inches above Lena’s stretched crotch, the shrunken woman watched with terror the place she was expecting to stay for the next couple of hours. Minuscule tears dropped into the darkness as the heat and scent of arousal hit her tiny face. Above, Lena looked down alongside her tiny toy with a slight expression of shame drawn on her face.

“Bloody hell… You’re really unlucky, aren’t you?” Lena awkwardly laughed, trying her best to sympathize with the tiny woman’s upcoming fate. “For the record, I do feel sorry for you right now. I’ve been in these clothes a while and it’s been a busy day. Just keep cool in there and it won’t get worse. Much.” Lena explained her struggling toy.

Before she could react, the tiny lookalike felt the uncomfortable pinch around her ankle lighten. She desperately tried to find something to hold on to, but to no avail - she was falling. After a short second that felt like hours, she hit the soaked fabric of Lena’s panties, rolling down the cotton crotch till she hit the titaness’ glistening vulva. With her senses overwhelmed, the tiny woman immediately looked around, trying to find a way out of her inescapable prison. Alas, she stopped her erratic movements as she looked up to see her tormentor biting her lower lip, trying her best to repress the sparks of pleasure she felt.

“Be nice…” was all the tiny woman heard before the patio of light above her disappeared and she felt herself get pushed into the glistening folds of Lena’s pussy, unable to resist the strength of the surrounding elastic fabric.

Lena played with her waistband a bit, hoping to place her tiny captive in a reasonably comfortable position for the both of them. Feeling her tiny legs and arms struggling against her lips, Lena’s hand grabbed onto the nearby desk to support her weakening legs. The young captain giggled as arousal once again clouded her mind and her other hand gently pressed on the tiny lookalike’s form through the fabric. Her tiny movements calmed down and Lena breathed again as she sat back in her chair. The familiar notification chime echoed around the room.

Emily: (11:52PM) I hope you’re keeping tiny Emily warm and safe

Lena: (11:52PM) Oh she’s warm alright

Emily: (11:53PM) Guess I’ll need to check when you come back

Lena: (11:53PM) We wouldn’t want something bad happening to tiny little you

Emily: (11:53PM) Speaking of, when are you coming back?

Lena: (11:53PM) Early morning. I’ll grab breakfast

Emily: (11:54PM) Croissants sound good.

Emily: (11:54PM) Poor little Emily tho

Lena: (11:54PM) She hates me

Emily: (11:54PM) That’s cause she doesn’t know the origins of her problems

Lena: (11:55PM) You’re lucky you’re “normal size Emily”

Lena: (11:55PM) “Tiny Emily” would beat the crap out of you otherwise

Emily: (11:56PM) She’s welcome to try

Emily: (11:57PM) Alright, goodnight Love. Don’t be too long.

Lena: (11:57PM) Sleep tight. Love you

Lena’s fingers casually toyed with the outline of her panty pet. As her index delicately pressed down, she felt the tiny woman’s head go past her lips, instantly restarting her erratic struggles.

“So that’s how you turn it on…” Lena giggled to herself as she lifted her finger off the back of the tiny woman’s head. The young captain looked at the clock on her monitor and sighed. Six long hours to go.

And with that, we've reached the end of this chapter of the Victims of the Anomaly! It was a fun one to work on and I hope you've enjoyed it :)



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