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“Mad? Well, I can definitely see how it might seem so from your perspective, little lady. You get snatched from your reality and end up a couple inches tall in a completely different world. Of course that’s crazy! By every single metric imaginable. And trust me, we actually evaluated your problem using every metric imaginable. Unfortunately though, there’s just no solution to it. Not for you and not for anyone else around. You look at me like I’m some psycho bitch who stole everything from you, but everyone here had the same thing happen to them. Do you see them being angry at me? Or even just unhappy?

Look, the sooner you come to terms with the fact there’s no way back, the better you’ll feel. I don’t mind you telling me about your old life but you’re just hurting yourself for no reason. Whoever you were, it’s… gone. At least till we find a solution. If, we find a solution.

Come on, wipe those tears. You’ll see, it isn’t so bad. Ask around! You think I’m forcing anyone to do anything around here? Whether you were some big shot or a perfect nobody, you all end up finding a way to cope with it. I mean, look at Kelly down there. She designed rockets that flew people into space. How do you think it felt when I grabbed her from the lab and offered her a place with me? One of her world’s greatest minds and now, she could fit in a bloody matchbox. Think she took it like a champ on day one? Nod your little head, I can’t hear you properly. Exactly!

No one asked for this to happen to them. But it is what it is. So you might as well rip the bandaid now. Why don’t you go join Kelly for a bit while I unwind, huh? You know, you’re actually somewhat lucky. You’re still pretty big as far as anomaly victims go. I’m sure you’ll find a task around here that’ll suit you. Don’t fret, you won’t have to kiss toes for the rest of your life, little one. For now though, it’s still the quickest way to get a feel for your new place. Oh, and to get in my good books! Good girl…”

There's a beginning to everything. Some are nicer than others. Discovering what it means to be among the unfortunate victims of the anomaly isn't among the most pleasant. Fortunately, they have a charming guide to introduce them to this new reality ;)

The Tracer mood always comes back somehow. I hope you enjoy this new addition to the Victims of the Anomaly series. Lots of details went into this one so have fun finding all the little references and tinies hidden everywhere!



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