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"Wait, they're all willing participants?" Amber asked, her voice unable to hide the genuine excitement she felt gazing over the impressive collection in front of her.

"Hmm, 'willing' might be overstating the truth a bit. See, our tiny friends all have something in common - they love getting in trouble. Sarah back there owes money to some very bad people. Jess and Monica thought it'd be a good idea to sell their company's secret to their main competitor. Charlotte might have dropped a bit of arsenic in her rich but unfortunately dead husband's bourbon. The other trait they share is that they all got caught. You wouldn't believe how willing folks become when they realize how old they'll be when they get out of prison." Everly casually explained as her fingers danced around her camera's buttons and dials.

"So, you just hang around the courthouse in your free time?" Amber laughed, genuinely impressed with her colleague's methods.

"My free time? Hell no. I work there, as a clerk. I see these idiots come and go all day. I focus on the desperate ones with pretty faces. Nobody ever suspects the girl quietly typing in the corner to have her own dungeon and fetish production company." Everly laughed.

"Damn clever." Amber whispered, unsure whether to feel admiration or fear hearing Everly's well oiled process. "Why all the water work, little one?" she asked, turning her attention to the crying shrunken woman standing as straight as the dildo next to her. The tiny woman's eyes filled with more tears hearing Amber talk to her.

"Don't mind her. She's still getting used to it. Little Jen here thought it'd be a good idea to steal a car while drunk. Not the kind of stuff that lands you here, mind you. Running over a newlywed couple though? Yeah, you're getting your ass down to Everly-land." Everly casually explained as the tiny woman's face twisted under her regrets' weight. Amber listened silently, trying her best to avoid feeling pity for the tiny criminal.

"Hey, at least all the tears will make her go up any hole you want without lube." the tiny domme doll crossing the table laughed while passing by. Amber was surprised to hear the little thing speak so casually to her.

"Bold little thing, isn't she?" Amber asked, ignoring the tiny dominatrix and turning back to Everly, slightly confused.

"It's alright. Eva was one of us before the IRS realized she owed them a metric ton of cash. She didn't take too kindly to being at the bottom at first, but she learnt to make herself useful. It's nice to rely on her to whip all the new arrivals in shape." Everly replied, finally done with her camera's set up. "Alright, you're ready? We've got five clips to shoot today. Feeling like getting your feet worshiped first or do we start by putting Jen inside you? We'll keep the duo custom for the end." Everly explained as all the shrunken women's attention suddenly turned to the two giant mistresses. Amber enjoyed the tension drawn on their tiny faces for a moment.

"Jen's been shivering since I arrived. Let's warm her up a bit..." Amber giggled as her fingers delicately wrapped around the terrified shrunken woman's body.

We're taking a look at a different part of Kaylen's world. Indeed, Kaylen isn't the only one who managed to get her hands on a shrink ray and who use it to make money. However, unlike Kaylen's, Mistress Everly's toys are more... willing.

As always, I hope you enjoy this new piece :)



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