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“So, is it all you hoped it would be, Love? Feeling like a lucky little thing? Honestly, did you wake up this morning thinking you’d end the day all puny lapping up at my toes?” Lena giggled to herself.

Feeling the tiny tongue’s licks slow down, the young adventurer turned her gaze towards the shrunken blonde.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk… Don’t stop. It’s all rhetorical. I don’t actually wonder if you thought about it. Actually, you may have, considering how excited you were about it back at the bar. You should drink yourself stupid more often little one, it seems to be working out great for you.” Lena bent down and grabbed the glass of whiskey laying by her chair. Slowly, the young woman raised it to her lips, savoring the taste of the liquor gently burning her throat and the warm tongue running between her toes. Lena took a few more sips, basking in the silence of this pleasant spring night, before setting it back down on the floor.

“I’ve got to say though, it’s still kind of weird to me how you could possibly enjoy doing this. You’ve clearly explained why it gets you all worked up back at the bar and far from me the idea to kinkshame you little one, but you’ve gotta admit it’s weird, right? I get liking feet, sure. And I’ve been at the bottom with Emily more than once to satisfy her when she’s in that mood. But to take it as far as you do? It’s kind of… pathetic?” Lena’s toes slightly tightened around the puny blonde’s face as she felt a hint of hesitation in her tongue’s movements.

“Oh, don’t get your knickers in a twist. I’m not even judging here. It’s just factual at this point. You licking the grime and sweat that got between my toes after a night out is just pathetic. The fact you can’t get your face out of my toes until I actually let you just adds to it. I never actually thought of using the shrink ray HQ developed for that purpose. I don’t think they intended for it to be used that way as well. It does feel good though. Your tongue and your size. I mean, what is it you said exactly? You want to see people as Gods? See, I never even imagined that. For me, people are just that. But for you, everybody’s pretty much your better, right? You can’t tell me that’s not objectively pathetic.” Lena could feel the licking between her toes slow down as she spoke.

“Come on, you’re not getting second thoughts now that your ultimate fantasy is real, right? Keep that tiny tongue of yours licking down there. I’m just describing how it looks from my point of view! I’m actually curious about what gets you ticking. And you shouldn’t be worried about me calling you pathetic for enjoying slurping high heels’ grime from my feet. Feeling ashamed about being pathetic is something only normal people get to do. And as you told me yourself, you want to be normal people’s tiny bitch, don’t you? So it doesn’t make sense for you to feel ashamed for being called pathetic by your betters.” Lena giggled as her toes’ grip tightened even more strongly around her tiny slave’s face starting to struggle.

“Shhh… Don’t worry yourself with it. Keep that tongue working. My feet have been in those heels all night and I’m sure you still have a lot of ground to cover. In time, it’ll feel perfectly normal for you. It’s not like I can send you back into the world to tell them about how Lena Oxton fulfilled all your wildest fantasies. I have a reputation, Love. Plus, HQ never figured out the growth process so…” Lena paused, growing aroused by the gift of power this young artist offered her.

“I hope you won’t feel bad about being pathetic for too long. I really want you to keep enjoying yourself as much as I am with your new place in the world” Lena smiled softly. A delicate escaped her lips as she slouched further into her chair, enjoying each lap of her impromptu shrunken servant's tongue against her still reddened sole.

"Hope you still have room down there, cause my left foot's starting to feel a bit jealous right now..." 

I've been in a Tracer mood lately! This one's a little different, acting as a standalone from my regular lore for the character. 

I hope you'll enjoy this meaner but still playful take on our favorite British adventurer. I like to think it makes her a bit more real/complex than just the usual stereotypes we associate her with :)




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