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"Did you hear speck? Probably not. Unless you found a way to get news delivered to you under that blade of grass you call home. It's finally over. We beat the shrinking virus. I mean, we already did a while ago with the vaccine and all that, but now there's an actual pill to grow people back. Look, I even got a couple here..." Mik spoke down as their hand dove in their jeans' pocket to retrieve one of the many sample pills they were given at the mall.

To the non-initiated, it could have easily looked like Mik had lost their mind as they  triumphantly stood over a small glass terrarium and talked down to a random patch of grass. Even for them, seeing you wasn't easy. Over the past six months, you had dwindled far below the 1 centimeter threshold, making it hard for any normal-sized eyes to catch your presence. However, Mik knew you were there, somewhere, looking up at them and reeling in their scale.

As their slender fingers searched the dark depth of their pocket, Mik's piercing brown eyes scanned the small patch of garden vegetation, aiming to spot your minuscule form. They loved to imagine what it felt like for you, trapped in an inescapable prison so small it barely took any space on their desk. A smug grin formed on the titan's lips as they finally spotted you amidst the towering blades of grass.

"Got any taller since we last spoke, bitch?" Mik asked with a mocking tone, their godly voice overpowering your fragile eardrums. "Ah, there it is..." they continued, not paying any attention to your desperate attempts to communicate back. In the distance, on the other side of the thick glass, you saw Mik's hand rise back up from their waist, till it reached their face. Between their index and thumb, laid an inconspicuous pill. While it looked like any other medicine, you knew that it was the key to end the months of misery Mik had imposed on you. It was right there - close, yet completely out of reach.

"Can you imagine? You swallow that tiny thing and boom, you're back to being as tall as I am! I bet that sounds so good to you right now. How much do you wish I would pop that little thing open and let you swallow all the powder in it hmm? Cause let's be real, it's twice your size - you're not swallowing it whole." Mik laughed as they closed one eye and compared your stature with the pill they were holding between their fingers. "Come on, jump for "yes" if I'm right!" Mik continued to tease.

Despite an eerie sentiment overwhelming you, the desperate hope of getting your life back was too strong for you to resist and you obeyed your Master. You jumped up and down repeatedly, hoping to please the smug god towering above you.

"What an enthusiastic little speck..." Mik commented as their eyes focused on your pathetic efforts. "However, I'm disappointed. It looks like this little pill was enough for you to forget the first lesson... This is your normal size. You don't get to go back to normal, cause you're already there." Mik spoke, instantly breaking any hope you had foolishly allowed yourself to regain. You fell to your knees hearing their words.

"So unfortunate... Too weak to even save yourself. If only you had been a bit bigger. Or if only the walls had been shorter. Or made of a material you can climb. If only..." Mik said, faking a wondering tone as her middle finger rose out of her fist in your direction. "Face it bitch. If you can't save yourself when everything's there for you to do so, it's because you were meant to be there. And me? I was meant to be your God."

Mik's giggles covered you in shame as their titanic fingers pressed on the symbol of your salvation. Until nothing remained.

Happy New Year! We're kicking off 2022 with something a bit different - a POV shot! It's one of my very first attempts at this exercise and I hope I managed to make it convincing.

I'm also super happy to feature my beautiful friend Mik in my work once again. They're incredible and a constant source of inspiration for my creative endeavors. If you don't already, make sure to go support her on Twitter! 

I hope you enjoyed this new piece! Thank you for your continued support :)




Does this mean our new God prefers they/them pronouns? If so that is extremely hot


Now that is the kind of vibe I want to see more from you :D