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Defeated, Mark sat on his miniature porch as the two colossal women surrounding him discussed. Despite being the focus of their conversation, they paid no attention to his attempts to make his voice heard. The shrunken man could only sigh as the reality of his fantasies continued to haunt him - being tiny was not what he had imagined.

"You'll come in at 8, from Monday to Friday. I'll try to let you know in advance if I require your services during weekends. He has electricity as long as you keep the house plugged. No running water however. The tank's in the back and it generally needs refilling every two days. Meals are provided by the Stovent Company and can be given to your appreciation - based on whether or not he's been a good boy..." Nicole said, accentuating her last words as she turned her gaze down to Mark. The tiny man lowered his head further, trying to hide the minuscule blush coloring his cheeks. His owner always knew which buttons to press, even before he shrunk. Despite his frustration, Mark couldn't help but feel the familiar tingle of excitement as the elegant titaness smirked and his soon-to-be babysitter giggled, unable to contain her amusement.

"Could you define "being a good boy" for me, Miss Turner?" the young woman asked, genuinely curious to know more about what seemed to be a key aspect of her role. Mark watched in awe as the slight shyness of his babysitter translated in her right foot smoothly rotating on the hardened toe-end of her sneaker.

"Oh of course you can, Jade! I sometimes forget not everyone is familiar with the shrinking process and what it entails. I was the one dealing with the Stovent Company for Markie before, during and after the procedure. So it sometimes feels like it's my entire world." Nicole casually explained before seeing a hint of confusion on Jade's face. Nicole had seen that look before. People always had a hard time understanding that she used to work for the tiny man now standing no taller than the tip of her stiletto down on the floor. "I was... Markie's assistant?" Nicole continued, guiding the babysitter with an encouraging look till the young woman's face opened up in an understanding smile.

Mark couldn't decide what was worse - the lack of attention he received from these two as they discussed him at length, or the overwhelming amount of undesired attention he felt as the most embarrassing aspects of his life were shared against his will with a college student he had never met. Somehow, at this moment, he felt even smaller than his mere two centimeters.

"As for what it means for Markie to be a "good boy"..." Nicole paused for what felt like hours to Mark, "it means doing what he's told. Whether it's a chore I've given him prior to leaving or anything you've said in my absence." Nicole continued, seeing Jade's eyebrow gradually rise as her mouth opened slightly. "It's for his own good really. Markie's not human like you and me anymore - at least in every way that matters. So, he needs to continually assimilate the place people have in his life now. You can imagine him as some kind of pet if you want. One who can talk to you, but still a pet." Nicole finished, looking down on the tiny man diminishing in shame with every word his owner pronounced. "He's still a bit embarrassed being called a pet. With time, it's not something he'll be ashamed of. However, it does require some training. That's why it's important you stick to the guidelines I've provided you in that email and that you only reward him if he's been... a good boy." Nicole said, a wider smirk drawing on the corner of her lips as she looked down at her former boss.

Mark could feel the heavy gazes of the two giants on his back. He didn't need to look up to know what Nicole looked like at this moment. As for Jade, he had seen how his owner's friends had reacted to the same explanation in the past - awe and curiosity the only glimmers in their eyes.

"Any questions before I leave? My office life has been a bit crazy since I took over Markie so I'll need to get going." Nicole finally asked, getting Jade to look back up at her.

"Hmm, does Mark... Markie have any chores from you today I should know about?" Jade finally asked after taking a moment to think.

"Just leave the nude heels here for now. Little Markie is on cleaning duty. Make sure to check them inside and out by noon. If they're pristine, he can have some lunch. If they're not, food will wait. I need him to start working faster, so keep that in mind when giving him tasks." Nicole said while calmly looking at the impressive list of notifications piling up on her phone screen. "Oh and if he's done by noon, give him your shoes for the afternoon. Same objective." Nicole continued, before seeing Jade's slightly weirded out expression as she looked down at her colorful sneakers. "Don't worry, he doesn't mind." Nicole continued before leaning in and whispering "Plus it's good he gets his senses accustomed to you. It's key for his training."

Down below, Mark could hear every single word Nicole uttered, no matter how discreetly. The shrunken man looked at the work ahead of him and sighed. Despite getting to live in a small replica house, wearing normal clothes and even having a working toy version of his favorite car, he knew any semblance of normality wouldn't save him from the fate he had chosen for himself. These luxuries were the last things keeping him in touch with who he used to be, and he knew that in time, his master would take them away to keep the promise she had made back when she signed the Stovent's contract. 

As the two titanic women walked away, regrets settled back in his chest. He was finally living his fantasy. Unfortunately, he had been wrong his entire life.

Since many of you shared your appreciation for the story I wrote in Taedis' Shrink Inc. universe, I've decided to make another one! I hope you'll enjoy both the visual and the story just as much as the first one :D




Nice work!