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"I knew I couldn't feel a thing down there. What's gotten into you little thing? Not in the mood today?" Lena asked, carefully bringing her foot down to reveal a minuscule woman kneeling behind it.

Through a veil of tears, Chloe watched as the gigantic sole slid along the edge of the bench she rested on. The motion was smooth, aided by the thin layer of sweat covering the titaness' foot. Her toes quickly followed before coming to a stop - lightly pressed against the wooden seat at the shrunken woman's level. Far into the distance, between two colossal thighs, Chloe could see the interrogative expression drawn onto her captor's pretty face. Sobbing, the tiny woman shook her head from left to right. She knew all too well by now that talking was useless this far away from Lena's ears.

"Having a bad case of the blues again, aren't you?" Lena continued, her tone reassuring and kind. An exaggerated nod from the shrunken woman quickly followed.

"Hmm, I thought we got that sorted out for good last time... I could give you that pep talk again but you're a smart little thing - I'm sure you still remember it!" Lena said with a giggle, trying to cheer up the tiny woman kneeling at her feet. Another nod followed. 

Chloe remembered the speech perfectly. However, despite her best efforts, she couldn't feel happy about her condition. Being reduced to the size of an insect at her captor's feet was humiliating no matter how positively she tried to look at it. Frustration constantly ate at her as the fading memories of her past life surged within her mind. College, parties, friends and the promise of a bright future were now nothing but blurry images bringing her sanity to its limits. Another series of sobs overcame her. Minuscule tears mixed with the thin layer of sweat pooling between the colossal toes and the edge of the wooden bench.

"Hey, I need you to be a strong girl now." Lena gently said, interrupting Chloe's thoughts. "I know it might not seem like it, but what you do here matters. It matters to me. I know it's not perfect, but I can assure you that you're much better here than in that cold empty lab." Lena continued, sending shivers down Chloe's tiny body at the mention of her former prison.

"So, you're gonna push those bad thoughts away? You're gonna stop them from bringing you down?" Lena asked, raising an eyebrow. Wiping tears off her cheeks, Chloe nodded once again.

"For good?" Lena continued, her voice's pitch slightly rising. Another nod followed.

"Good girl!" Lena said, a kind smile drawn on her lips. Chloe felt the warm feeling of dopamine spread through her body at the mention of the words. As Lena's foot rose back up to tower above Chloe's puny frame, these two words were enough to get the shrunken woman to forget once again - at least for a while. Emboldened, she stuck her little tongue out and joined her friend in the effort to keep their captor happy.

In the distance, a satisfied sigh could be heard as Lena's head tilted backwards. Chloe felt another shot of dopamine coursing through her veins as the familiar taste in her mouth ran down her throat.

For a while, I've been feeling like my work has declined in scope. Not being able to work on my best hardware for a good part of 2021 forced me to scale down the amount of things I could incorporate in my visuals. However, once I got my best computer back, my renders' scope didn't scale back up to their original levels immediately. Pieces like Mornings or Bullies were benchmarks I wanted to get back to but couldn't find the time or courage to make.

My aim with Solace was to fix that. It took me 2 whole days of work to get it done so I hope it's a success :D

As always, I hope you'll enjoy this new chapter in the Victims of the Anomaly series! :)




Love this lil series you got going on.


Incredible. I've said it before, but sweaty Lena is undisputedly best Lena.