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Hey everybody!

I hope you're all keeping safe from both Covid and the heat (Covid and the cold if you live upside down). I think it's time for an update about what I've been up to lately and how I'm going to get back in the mix as soon as I can.

As some of you may know, I've been on the move lately. While I made it, my hardware hasn't yet. In the meantime, I have to use my laptop for all creative matters and that's just not good enough to deliver the level of quality you've come to expect from me. I've still managed to create a bunch of previews for renders I want to make once I'll have my main PC again. However, it takes forever to simply preview and rendering is not conceivable. Additionally, I've had some time to create some good ol' collages. You can't go wrong with these! 

As for when I'll be able to create renders again, I expect to be fully back at it by the end of July. In the meantime, if you have suggestions of content you'd like to see from me, let me know! Last time I asked this question, Torments was born from it, so don't miss your chance ;)




Hmmm Well usually your renders/stories have already a set size from the beginning. Or they shrink from normal to tiny in one go, instant drop from a few feet to a few Inches. So how about a story, a comic or just a few panels, where the shrinking happens step by step? Shrinking process, shrinking over time. It could be a sequence that takes just a few minutes, or seconds, in real time. I think that'd be very interesting to see from you, in your style ^^ Also since I don't remember you doing something like that before(other than the overwatch story with Mercy keeping an eye on the bank robbery victims but that was shrinking over a few weeks in real time and we couldn't compare the renders back to back to see the process of shrinking, so that's not really what I'm thinking of) it'd be a cool way to mix things up. Just a suggestion! Great to hear from you again because it's been a while, love your work <3