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“Emma said you guys had to help us! It’s not fair of you to just-“ was all the shrunken pink-haired young woman could say before her entire face was engulfed by the dusty toes of her much bigger companion.

“Sorry what was that? Make sure to open your mouth when you talk, it’s hard to hear you down there.” Lucy replied, a smug grin drawn on her lips as she tried to catch a glimpse of her little victim’s face in between her toes. It wasn’t the first time the brunette had pulled off this move, but it remained satisfying, nonetheless. The only audible thing now were muffled screams from the tiny woman desperately trying to escape her tormentor’s grasp. “You really aren’t one for speaking clearly, are you?” Lucy continued, not tiring of teasing her fellow slave.

“C’mon Lucy, I’m sure she got the message loud and clear. Plus, if you’re not careful you’re gonna break her.” a soft voice spoke from below. Hanna was about as tall as Lucy, if not slightly bigger. While she enjoyed toying with those tinier than her just like her friend, she also perfectly knew the rules of their little game. If tinies were to be hurt or worse, Emma would know.

“Fine…” Lucy replied, finally lifting her heavy foot off the shrunken woman’s face. “Still got something to say lil’ miss?” Lucy said to the tiny girl still catching her breath. “Thought so.” she continued as no answer came. “How about you follow ant-girl’s example down there and give my toes a kiss for being so kind with you?” the brunette asked on a playful tone that left no place for doubts in the pink-haired woman’s mind.

“Did Emma say how long her exams would be?” Hanna said, moving her attention away from the tiny redhead she forced to bow down, to the tiny woman now zealously kissing her Lucy’s toes.

“I have no idea. I mean, it’s not like we got to experience exams much before we caught the virus, right? So, not like we’d know.” Lucy replied trying to be casual but unable to hide the slight touch of frustration hiding in her voice.

“Dude we’ve spent two trimesters on campus. That’s 4 exam periods. What do you mean we don’t know? More like you don’t know, Miss I’m 2cool4school” Hanna softly laughed, returning her attention to the little redhead rising back up. “No, you stay down. I haven’t told you to get up.” she quickly reacted pushing her index delicately in her back once again.

“Well, how long do those things last anyway?” Lucy replied, eager to know how much time she had to play with her owner’s tinier slaves before she had to start working on the tasks she was given.

“Depends. Perhaps half a day. Perhaps all day. You should make sure we get everybody to work on her sneakers while we take care of the heels. She specifically asked us to clean her shoes today. It must be important.” Hanna said, slightly lost in her thoughts as she maintained the pressure on the shrunken redhead.

“Probably has a party tonight or something.” Lucy replied, with a grunt of frustration. “Fuuuuuck… I miss parties so much!” she continued, hitting both shrunken women in the face with her toes as she suddenly took a step back.

“Yeah, me too dude. Though remember what I told you the other day. You could have been that girl bowing down to me right now.” Hanna said, teasing her friend as she slightly increased the pressure in her index to emphasize her point.

“To you? Good luck with that. I’d never!” Hanna replied, laughing at her friend’s joke. “You better be careful with that mouth, tiny lady – you never know when a second shrinking spurt could hit you…” she teased back.

“Y’all gonna help us with these shoes or-” a little familiar voice erupted from below once again, interrupting the two tiny titans. Before she could finish, the pink-haired woman cowered again as Lucy’s foot rose instinctively.

“You didn’t get enough toes earlier? You want more or something? You go ahead and start. Take little toe kisser here with you. Don’t forget the new one either. Show her the ropes. Perhaps if you do a good job on the first one, we’ll help you with the second. Now, get!” Lucy commanded, a quick movement of her foot towards her owner’s shoes leaving no doubt to where the tiny women should head immediately.

“Wanna try to grab toasts in the kitchen?” Hanna softly said.

“I’m down, but you’re the one giving me a boost this time.” Lucy replied, the promise of breakfast suddenly energizing her.

“Fine, you child.” Hanna replied laughing.

Life would never be the same for anyone affected by the shrinking pandemic. However, it seems that even then, some were destined to have it harder than others. For now, at least…

I hope you enjoy this new piece! I wanted to try something where the power emanating from size is as relative as possible - and what better way than by having tinies bully other tinies? 

As always, I'd love to hear from you should you have feedback on this piece! Thank you very much :)




My god... your stories are such a inspiration and joy to read. And these renders absolutely add to the experience!! Also the concept of having a hierarchy of tinies... I LOVE IT


Really amazing work, Tiny. The level of detail you put into these renders is astounding!


Thanks a lot Mike! I'm glad I upgraded my system a few months ago for the details it allows me to cram in those renders. This kind of scene would have been impossible on my previous rig :D


What did you update to, if you don't mind my asking? You still using the 2060?


To a 3090. The 2060 couldn't have handled so many characters on camera :)


Phenomenal! Glad to hear it!