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"Oh wow, she really is a pro!" thought Sasha to herself as she watched the curious scene unfolding below her.

Sasha had discovered Mark through one of the many size fetish websites she enjoyed browsing from time to time. She had caught an interest in the twisted fantasies he shared on his profile. Like most of the little freaks, Mark was obsessed with the thought of being tiny and slaving away for people far more deserving of being called human beings than he was.

"So fucking original..." had first thought Sasha, raising her eyes, before continuing to browse his latest post.

A smirk slowly formed on her plump lips as she read on. It was getting clear that this guy was more fucked up than the others. Being a normal person's puny bitch wasn't enough for him, he wanted to be another tinies' little slut.

"If only you knew..." Sasha giggled, opening a chat window with @TinyMuffin91, ready to have her fun with the poor soul. It didn't take long for him to reply, already roleplaying with meaningless actions in asterisks. The pink-haired brat told him to stop that - she hated it. From there, she questioned the little masochist for hours, getting to know every thing she could use to bend his will. Mark couldn't believe his luck and was happily sharing the ever so precise details she requested on his impossible fantasies. When she was done, Sasha knew she could make this man do anything she desired at the snap of her fingers.

"So @TinyMuffin91... will you tell me your real name you puny insignificant slut? If I'm to add you to my harem to serve my tinies, I'll need to know where to find you" Sasha typed in the chat window. She knew that moment was key, as most would scare easily and run away. She watched as the little chat bubble popped up and disappeared repeatedly. Sasha could feel how scared and aroused he was as he prepared to remove any ounce of anonymity he once had with a perfect stranger who knew his darkest secrets. 

"Mark. Mark Davis." Sasha smiled, slowly lifting the hand between her legs. "You're so fucked Mark Davis..." she thought to herself, knowing she would soon have a new toy to play with.

"Having fun, little bugs?" Sasha asked, amused by what she was seeing.

It had been a few hours already since Mark and Alessandra, an escort of his choice, entered the room. After shrinking both, she let the puny pair have their fun on a nearby table. As time went on, Sasha had removed more and more clothes, leaving the puny pair to bask in her naked glory. Seeing Alessandra being pleasured against her heel was turning her on. She could imagine how overwhelming things were for them - how her heel would smell of leather and sweat, how each of her movements would feel like a mountain range moving in the distance... Sasha could tell the tiny woman was about to climax and decided it was finally time to rain on their parade.

"Stop, right now." Sasha said softly, but leaving no place for hesitation. Mark immediately backed away from between Alessandra's crotch, leaving the young woman on the edge. "Good boy. Now, I can see you guys are having fun but I have a question for you that I still can't answer myself..." Sasha said, faking naivety.

"See, you were so eager to be shrunk that you never once bothered to ask me if I could... well, fix it." Sasha continued, enjoying seeing her victim's little faces slowly draining of colors and joy. "Cause I sure as hell can't unshrink you! I know how to make you smaller, if you want, but no luck when it comes to making you grow back."

In the shadow of her shoe, the couple threatened, cried, screamed, begged, but all to no avail. Sasha was not lying, she could not grow them back.

"Mark, shut it or I'll show you what happens when your neck goes full circle. And you, little Alessandra, please don't be mad at me" Sasha said with a fake pleading tone. "I never accounted for you to be there. If you wanna be mad, be mad at the person responsible for all your troubles. I know you had nothing to do with this little fantasy of his, but I guess now you'll have to live it too!" Sasha finished with a laugh, breaking the shrunken escort who was now crying on her knees, exhausted.

Sasha loved it all. The passion, the hate... She reveled in those feelings. She had outdone herself this time, obtaining both a willing and an unwilling victim in the same day. She watched as the little escort punched Mark right in the jaw, knocking him out. Oh how she was going to love playing with this one.

I wish I had more time to elaborate on this story but I unfortunately don't. Still, I think this makes a good first piece for 2021! Sasha's back and she's as mean as ever - hope you enjoy it! :)



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