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"I'm impressed little one. No, I really am! Very few can brag of keeping their mouths shut after spending so long hanging from that piercing. Most crack after their first fall to their deaths. See, when you've been an extractor for as long as I did, you learn a few things that makes the job easier - like the fact your little brain remains active slightly longer than your minuscule body after you hit the pavement. Just enough time for me to scan your freshly traumatized mind and put it in a new body. Normally, from there, all I hear from you bugs is how you want it to end and how you will tell me everything I wanna know. But not you...

Did Militech finally up their operative's psychological resistance training after the number I've done on their Intelligence VP? Yeah, the open-source copy of his mind uploaded for all to play with was my work. See Kay, I don't like it when copies make me work hard for information I'll ultimately and inevitably extract. It's fun to toy with those lines of code you pretend are your soul, but all good things must come to an end. Now, listen to me very carefully when I tell you this - you don't want to reach that point. The fate I reserve to those who resist me too long isn't something I'd wish on my worst enemy - and I could inflict it on them so easily. Once you do, there won't be anyway to go back. I'll make sure your digital mind eternally lives in a hellish state.

Don't worry though, I'll ask you nicely a few more times. However, each time I do, I want you to remember this conversation and wonder if it's going to be your last chance to avoid a fate worse than death. I won't warn you when my patience runs out, so if I were you, I wouldn't take any chances.

Oh and since my little ear trick didn't work, allow me to change my method. There are other ways to break you that are far more horrid for you and far more... pleasant for me. Hope you're not afraid of the dark little one."

You'd be forgiven if you thought Nya was going soft on her latest target. While it may seem so at first glance, it's all part of her interrogation techniques. Mixing kindness with cruelty has weird effects on the mind. From there, it doesn't take long for the victim to end up tightly wrapped around its interrogator's finger. For now though, it seems Kay needs a little more convincing to talk. Unfortunately for her, Nya knows countless ways to endlessly torment puny copies.

A little follow up to check how Nya's latest contract is going. I've received so many DMs asking me where the shrunken woman was in Merc, I decided I'd show her more clearly in this one. She's very, very tiny to be fair - but she had to fit in an ear ;)

As always, your feedback is appreciated! Oh and keep an eye out for the Patreon-exclusive nude version that should come out very soon. 



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