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Friday. 7:40AM.

"Finally..." Kate thought as she emerged from the tunnel formed by her Mistress' high heels. The shrunken woman sighed in relief, watching the immense laminated plain open up in front of her. The morning light coming from the window blinded her for a little bit, but Kate pushed forward without taking a moment to adapt to the sudden change of environment. Her mission was to finish cleaning her Mistress' shoes before she'd come back from her shower - the little woman had no time to lose.

This was Kate's favorite part of the journey between the water source and her task. There, the tiny woman could almost feel normal, as everything felt so far away from her, that she could imagine herself a bit taller than she actually was. Years at her insignificant stature had left Kate feeling like her current size was nothing more than normal, and the idea of being a few centimeters taller were as wild her fantasies could ever be. From here, Kate could see herself standing over the tip of June's stiletto heels, far in the distance. The thought was nice, as it would allow her to be much more efficient at her task. Kate's fantasy would stop here, however. She forbade herself to think any bigger. The size she had was her Mistress' doing - therefore, it was perfect.

"Thank you for not putting these in the way Mistress..." Kate whispered as she walked past the colossal pair of panties that June threw on the floor late last night - without looking where they could possibly land. For Kate, it meant she didn't have to lose time going around. As she walked by, the air around her filled with the intimate scent of her Mistress. A smell she was familiar with. A smell that would follow her for the next few minutes as she continued to make her way towards her objective.

Into the distance, she heard a noise. Kate picked up some speed. The sound of flowing water warned her that she was running out of time...



Tiny Scribe J

Well damn, if the scale wasn't incredible before, this megapixel biz really makes it amazing. Granted takes a good bit to load on my crappy Alaskan internet, but worth it. This is really beautiful.


Thank you, I appreciate that! Let me know if you want me to also upload the smaller versions. I don't want it to become too difficult to see my work :)