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Gerald met Helena one night at the bar after she was fired from a modeling gig. He humored her while she vented and walked her home. He didn’t realize it at the time, but this would be their first date. After a few more months they decided to move in together, with Helena helping him out in his fruit business. While together she shared about her past, and he encouraged her to reach out to her son she left behind, telling her that no son should grow up without a mother’s love. She made several attempts but was stone walled by her mother Lori. Gerald proposed to her after about a year, and two years later they had a son together. Now they run a small farm together, with Helena raising the live stock and Gerald selling his fruit. 

Gerald is a laid back guy, who will humor just about any one, but isn’t afraid to call bullshit when he sees it. He has to be firm with Helena, as she isn’t above taking the easy way out, and has to push her to be a better parent at times.




Gotta make more story posts, they're good!


Big win for my man Gerald


Loving how the story is fleshing out especially Helena's. Also...how f**kin big is Gerald if Helena is 6 foot tall LOL