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Here's a quick sneak peek at the upcoming update to the game.
There's been a lot of stuff I wanted to showcase but deemed not good enough at the time, however it's been a while since last update, so here goes some sweet behind-the scenes ongoings and features I'm working on to put in the next update~!

With the crowd update I got an idea to pivot it into a sequence-making tool/toy for everyone to enjoy! It's still a bit rough around the edges but I believe in the idea, thus a lot of backend rewrites and architectural decisions were made to support it through an easy-to-use and expandable setup. In the end I want every type of transformation to be sequenceable with however many steps the player wants. Hopefully I'll be able to add it without more delays.

I'm also thinking of the story layer, trying to make something that's fun to read for the Visual Novel aspect of the game and how the player ends up in the lab. It's pretty hard to come up with a good dialogue that doesn't sound obscene but gets the adult aspect of it right. But it's a good challenge.

I'm also experimenting with clothing & genitals, clothing is a very hard thing to nail, especially when everything morphs and transforms, thus more testing and experiments. The machine aspect was pushed behind the genitals.

As always, huge thanks to everyone supporting the project! You are awesome!




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