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Hello everyone,

I'm back to more regular work on the project since my finals are finally over! ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
Right now I'm working on character editor!

Don't you want to make your own character for transformations?

Well, soon you will be able to do so!

Introducing the character editor mark III. Some of you might remember character editor posts from way back (like ~2yrs ago) from the unity version of the game. I've attempted this feat 2 times now, both of which have proven to be really difficult with how I've been approaching them and both of which have failed. But third time's the charm, the work is going much much smoother now that the code is cleaner and the characters are editable on the go.

The vision for the game remains as it was - the ultimate transformation sandbox. And what better tool for the job than to give the player the freedom they deserve when it comes to making their desired form!

But why stop there? Well, the character editor is a start, but I don't wanna stop there! I've always liked how other games provide a platform to share content! Steam workshop, Koikatsu cards etc. those are great tools for bringing the community together! I especially like the cards idea, because it's just a png with metadata and can just be displayed as an image, but in a game it's a full character!

It's hard to get an estimate on this feature, I'll try to fit it even partially to the upcoming updates, but it definitely will not be the closest update.

As a sneak peek, I can tell you that I'm also working on a community project, but shhhh...🤫

As always, thank you for your continued support 💖




Dr. Bennet

Exciting! For science!