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UPD: Just realized that the initial colors were TOO bright and dull! Fixed the colors and Vera's hand ^^ (the googledrive archive version, too) It's annoying that artist's vision and preferences can change in 1-2 month and the works I thought to be awesome before seem not as good in a little time! I wonder if it means development or just a chaos xD Sorry!

OLD: Hehe, I love the outcome, hopefully, you'll enjoy it too although I couldn't come up with any versions that would make sense this time ^^'




Vera is undoubtably the best of all your characters.

Red Fox Homesteader

This one is cute. I feel bad for the boy, hiding a boner is always awkward. And with a girl as hot as Vera in the room , it's going to be there for a while...

Vicki M.

I adore this shading, the contrast of colors in it is so subtle yet eye-catching!


Gorgeous work! Love his embarrassed expression^^


Hahah, its so cute! Love the new style


This may be my favorite artwork with Edgar and Vera. The facial expressions are spot on.


This may be a strange question but does Vera lisen to The 1975? I feel she as a character also captures some of that "somber beauty" or "faded splender" that the 1975 captures. Or atleast the world she lives in does and she has learned to live with it.


It's a bit emo but also beond it. She just really strikes me as someone who would lisen to them.


To update: Another factor is workload. When we feel done with a work we are willing to overlook small flaws cuz we aimply can't be bothered. That's why it's recomended you take breaks before looking over your work, atleast in writing. I think the original was great but the update looks better. I wouldn't beat myself up, it happens to everyone, forever.