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I didn't get everything in time, sorry

Gotta do it tomorrow *falls apart*



It's a cliché at this point to tell an artist not to stress but like... don't. It's obvious you put in alot of effort into your work. We know you arn't scamming us. If you miss a deadline it's no big deal. I don't even keep track of the damn things. I just get a plesant suprise when Patreon messages me saying you've uploaded.

Battle Tiger

To be fair Iskra, you put in a TOOOON of work this week compared to usual! You can skip a poll/preview or two, or five! Just breathe and take some time to yourself!


A thousand lashes with a kitty cat tail. As battlefox said, you have been doing a lot of work. The polls and previews can be a few days late. Please don't fall apart, we like you.

Zaiaku Kerohiko

Take a breather and relax. Dont want to see you burn yourself out.