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So sorry for this little ads/announcement #^.^# I don't usually do it but I just want to let you know about our new project :3 We've put much more work into the comic project than before to reach a new quality level!

Planned amount of pages: ~40

Pages 4-6 will be released via Patreon notes on 3rd of September, you can also request pages 1-3 for free ^^

Thank you a lot for your support that helps us to create more nice furry art!



Baron Blackfox

Omg I can't wait for this one. Gonna be some really painful months of waiting.


This is gonna be cuute. How much for a cameo in the background? Hahaaa kidding! Unless?


Hmm! We haven’t planned all the storyboard yet, but I’ll remember your idea in case there are background characters anywhere :3


Just read the comic. Panel 6 reminds me of a scene from "The Hound of the Baskervilles" in which Watson returns to the apartment he shared with Sherlock Holmes to find the place similarly full of smoke. In this case it was from Holmes smoking his pipe all afternoon while he pondered the intricacies of the case.