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While I'm still working on this month's Patreon pinups, comic pages and commissions I wanted to make a small poll. I still cannot decide which hairstyle fits Kordi better! The long bangs seem to be more stylish but short bangs show her cheek tufts better. So which you like better?

(yeah, here are a couple of unposted WIP artworks in this preview)



This will probably be a close one XD Both are cute in their own way


I really love the the long bangs as they give her that kind of a "rebell/wild" look but both fit her really well :3


Hard decision, but I'll go with short bangs. She's beautiful either way <3


I prefer long but honestly, you should just do what fits the image. She looks good with both!

Vicki M.

Long bangs are what I associate with her character, but the way you draw her is lovely either way - if you prefer one or the other, I'd say go with that one!

Sakura Wulf

The art style of the bottom three with the length of the top three.


Oh wait, you’re talking about hair... xD


Long bangs give her that sexy kinda look. Short bangs are more on the cute side. I prefer both, lol.


Long Bangs. It just looks cooler :)


I love that top middle one :) nice pose and face! Perfect. Long bangs best haha


Either way is good, hard to lose here.


I love the bottom middle one