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Again, I apologize for the sad topic, I feel very bad after the most important person of my life told me that he never needed me, and then blocked me everywhere ...

All little girls shouldn't watch Disney movies that only make them have so many illusions. Instead, they should read the original version of The Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Andersen. No matter how much you do and sacrifice for him, he will never love you if you are not That Girl for him.

But I still promise to draw nice and sexy things! I have to live through this and earn a happy life! Thanks so much for staying here with me and supporting me. It means a lot!




So sad. I'm really sorry for you but things will eventually get better. In the meantime please take some time to recover. You're an amazing artist and you deserve something better.


I hope you can move past it and have a better life with less of that pain


Ваши работы "по настроению" - это самое прекрасное, что есть на Патреоне. Сколь бы печальными они порою ни были, ими всегда наслаждаешься


I'm sorry for what you are going through. You will get through this troubled time. Even if you needed to take a break, I will continue supporting you. You seem like a great person and an excellent artist. Don't let your troubles stir you to despair. Keep moving forward and don't stop doing what you enjoy!


I'm terribly sorry for the events that unfold. But do not under any circumstances stop you. Keep moving. There is someone better for you.


What a terrible thing to happen! We're here for you Iskra.

Vicki M.

I've been struggling for years now with my partner.. he says he cares, but his actions never give faith to it. Lately I've felt like caring partners don't exist. I don't know if it's worth anything to you, but your art helps me imagine a fantasy world where people can enjoy life. I hope drawing is something that helps you, too.


Wow... I really wish it was easier to spot people like that. But we rarely see the bad side of people until they decide to show it to us. Don't let it poison you. You're a good person and an amazing artist, and he didn't DESERVE you.


Take as much time as you need dear


I'm so sorry Iskra. I too just recently had someone drop me when they used to tell me how special I was to them. They found someone else and all of that just disappeared, all the love we worked on together was tossed into the garbage. So while I don't know what to say to make things feel better, all I can say that some of us, even many of us, know your pain and sympathize. Stay strong, you are an amazing person, try not to let other people define who you are. <3


I’m sorry to hear you’re going through this. Thanks for sharing with us. Heartbreak is hell.


I've been there iskra. I wish you the best and things are gonna be shitty for a while.


I know words don't help much in these moments of despair when the only thing that seems to matter are the two of you, but there is a lot of people here that support you and want you to be happy. Take your time to ponder and get up to speed with your feelings. When you're ready to open up your heart again, we'll be here.


DOn't think of it as being a waste. You learned a LOT from that time spent that you can apply to the rest of your life. That's still part of you, even if the connection is broken.


Pain is always temporarily, but still not easy.. I wish you the best!


Yes, art is my way to escape. Thanks for sharing :<


I'm so sorry you're going through this. You deserve so much better! I'm sure things will turn around soon. And never be sorry about drawing what you want!

Fenris wolf

I'm sorry I hope thing get better for you soon. I'm always here if u need to talk. I've been through something similar I remember how it crushes inspiration. Just take your time.


I'm sorry for what happened to you, I put myself in your place. You have my support too, take your time to reflect. We are all with you, courage

Baron Blackfox

I am sorry for what happened, and I truly wish you good fortune in life and well in everything for the future. Take your time how long you need. *hugs*


/me sends all the snugs

Anthony Huey

It's awful you had to go through that, but you have to take experiences like that and apply what you learn and keep moving forward. It's not the only way we can learn, but it seems the most painful lessons are the easiest to remember. Always find a positive where you can and keep your chin up. We all need and appreciate you. :)


Hello dear friend. I'm really saddened by what is happening to you. It's terrible what he did to you. I have always been afraid of engaging with a girl for fear of this kind of betrayal. One of my acquaintances was madly in love with a girl, but he was deluding himself with illusions. The evening of his birthday when he had to go out in a club to party with his friends, she sent him a text message to tell him that she was leaving him and that she had never loved him, I don't tell you the atmosphere afterwards. Because of this, I have always been afraid of love and I have never dared to approach any girl that I liked for fear of a painful breakup. and So I live even more alone than ever, And you can believe me this is not a happy life. I'm not a reference, but I'm sure that you will find the rare pearl one day. All the boys aren't like this guy. Tell yourself he wasn't your man. I'm sure you will find happiness, that's all I wish you for the future. I wouldn't tell you that it will be easy. There could be other disappointments like this one on the way, But one day at the edge of the road (when you least expect it.) you will crosier the road of the one who will stay by your side until the end of life journey. I'm sure of it. this is what I wish you from the bottom of my heart. I fully support you despite the distance. Have a good evening anyway. Take care of yourself. Cordial friendships Kevin B


Cheer up, dear Iskra ! You are one of the best artists I've ever seen! Greetings from Mexico !


Thank you so much for telling me this... there's a lot to think about. Thank you.


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