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My next goal is 98% reached! If it's reached by the next month, I'll be doing 3-4 comic pages per month. But I've got so many comic ideas, I'm in doubts! So... I don't know if I should focus on one comic or make two different ones at the same time? What would you like to see?

1. "The Pyramid of lust" - a f/f or f/f/f comic (depends on this poll), with magic and a magical creature.

2. "Eugen's reward" - a continuation of my previous comic.

3. "Witches and bitches" - a f/f/m comic with magic.

Currently I'm working on the "Pyramid of lust". If it gets the least votes, I will end it sooner as a f/f comic instead of f/f/f (it will have just 20 pages). So, which sounds the most enjoyable to you?

Comments are welcome.


Sherry Khanny

I'm definitely up to seeing "The Pyramid of Lust" with f/f/f. I'm already intrigued by it and enjoying it very much, throwing in another f there would be awesome. ^-^


I like to read comics when they are complete so working on only one and finishing them faster would be better. Don't shorten your stories just so you can do two at once.


Definitely want to see Pyramid of Lust go on, I need to know what Snow looks like! :D Witches and Bitches is the one I'm most interested in after that


I'd like to see Witches and Bitches, in my personal opinion.


I'd also love to see how Pyramid of Lust turns out! My vote is to finish that comic, then start on Witches and Bitches (which, given the thumbnail, could also be called Kitties with Titties!)

Swarthy Dog

I really want Pyramid of Lust to be seen through, so it has my vote. Though, Witches and Bitches would be great for your next project!


Just a suggestion: I'd love to see a NSFW comic with one/some of your other characters, like Alisa, Mai, Kordi, Selena, Alina, Vera etc. I don't know if they're available for lewd stuff, though. Hehe. It'd be great to see more of them in general too, not just lewds :)


There is always next time Witches and Bitches sounds like Fun.