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I'm finally back from the hospital and I apologize for people who are awaiting a response from me.

Rewards will be send out on 4th of Fabruary. Please, be patient :)

I had really poor internet and only used it for e-mail check and patreon posts. My inboxes are overwhelmed now and if you didn't get a reply or anything, please, don't hesitate to message me once again :)

Good news is that I'm feeling good enough to get back to work (and my wallet is empty)! If you're curious what is the disease that knocked me out from the life it's "Asthenic-depressive syndrome within deep neurosis" (I hope I translated it correctly?) Thank you all who left sweet comments for me <3 I appreciate it!

Now, regarding the poll! Who would you like to see in a pinup artwork next?

End date: 5th of Feb.


Sherry Khanny

Happy to have you back! ^-^ Please take care of yourself, so that you won't need to go to the hospital again!


It is wonderful! You are back! Happy happy! Now you know the enemy and how to deal with it!