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There are pictures I planned to be completed for January. Mostly female pinups and erotic scenes...

But, unfortunately, there's a _possibility_ that I won't be able to finish them in January. Of course, in case I'm not done with at least 5 pictures for $5 patrons and at least 2 comic pages for $10 patrons, YOU WON'T BE CHARGED for January. You won't have to unpledge as Patreon system allows me to set it on hiatus so you simply won't be charged for this month.

Now I'll explain myself... I didn't want to announce this for a long time, but I'm terribly ill. My illness started in October with unnormal weakness, sleepyness and headaches. At first I thought it was seasonal and didn't pay much attention, but week by week, the disease got only stronger and sometimes I had to stay in my bed for days, sometimes I had attacks of dizziness, nausea, unnormaly high pulse and blood pressure, etc. I had to call for ambulance for a few times, but they had no idea what is it and what they should do so I wasn't hospitalized. Nor the local clinique could help me and tell me what's going on because all of my analyses were ok. Since November, I coudn't spend more than 4 hours a day at drawing and thanks my friend Deymos who helped me with backgrounds, base filling and detail to keep my art being completed... 

But my state is keeping to get worse, it feels like an endless hangover, my head is spinning making it difficult to walk and even to sit, I'm weak, my hands are shaking, I'm way too underweight and I feel like I'm losing the connection to reality. Sometimes I have attacks when I suffer so much that I feel suicidal... My life isn't a life anymore. But! Finally, I've got a hospitalization appointment, and I'll be taken to the hospital on 16th of January. I really really hope they'll help me.

I can't describe how much I am grateful to all of you, my dear patrons! Patreon is the only thing that helped me to make living off drawing, and thanks to the savings I could gather here, I'm able to pay for the hospital bills.

I hope that I'll be able to reward you with nicer, cooler and sexier artworks when I'll get better! I wish all of you to stay safe and healthy!




Sherry Khanny

OMG, Iskra, I'm so sorry to hear that! I, for one, would like to continue supporting you this month, as well, since you'll probably need the money for the hospital bills. I wouldn't mind being charged, even if you don't post anything or is there another way to give you this month's amount? I hope they find out what's causing you these issues and give you something to help you with it. I hope you get better soon! Take care of yourself!


Oh my, I wish that you could recover no matter how long it will takes. I don't mind being charged anyway, you are going to need it. Don't push yourself too hard!

Hagane Dimonis

Искорка, выздоравливай! (( Не болей долго, пожалуйста...


I know it's not much but I hope you get better soon!

Cozy (edited)

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2021-08-14 12:41:19 Horrible. Hopefully they'll cure what ails you and you'll feel better soon. Thank you for your amazing art. Please don't give up . <3
2018-01-11 10:00:23 Horrible. Hopefully they'll cure what ails you and you'll feel better soon. Thank you for your amazing art. Please don't give up . <3

Horrible. Hopefully they'll cure what ails you and you'll feel better soon. Thank you for your amazing art. Please don't give up . <3

Breef (edited)

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2021-08-14 12:41:19 Considering how consistently you've been producing art over the years you certainly deserve a break, it's just a shame it couldn't be under better circumstances. The WIPs look lovely, but I think we can handle waiting until you're back in top condition &lt;3
2018-01-11 10:04:23 Considering how consistently you've been producing art over the years you certainly deserve a break, it's just a shame it couldn't be under better circumstances. The WIPs look lovely, but I think we can handle waiting until you're back in top condition <3

Considering how consistently you've been producing art over the years you certainly deserve a break, it's just a shame it couldn't be under better circumstances. The WIPs look lovely, but I think we can handle waiting until you're back in top condition <3


Get well soon, health is a top priority!


I hope you're alright! Please take care of yourself!

Justin Wilson

Oh god, take all the time you need, just do what you have to, we'll still be here when you're ready.


Please go easy on work then, your health is far more important. I really hope that you'll be okay.

Tay (edited)

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2021-08-14 12:41:17 I hope you get better my friend &lt;3
2018-01-11 11:50:48 I hope you get better my friend <3

I hope you get better my friend <3

Nick R. Kupila

Good luck. May you recover quickly.


That's awful ! hope you get better soon!

Leonnard Aleph-Nought

I hope you get better Iskra, please take your time, we all wish your recovering


Maybe it's hypoglycemia. Well, I hope they can fix whatever it is.


Do get well soon, and good luck to you :C


Ничего себе. Искра, Все это довольно сильно мне напоминает состояние, в котором я раньше находился и сейчас некоторые признаки иногда всплывают. Учитывая, что ты, видимо, ужасно интроверсирована, Как и я, у тебя, видимо, что-то очень похожее. Лично я свою проблему уже года 3 решаю походами к психиатру, который выписывает лекарства, Они значительно помогают. Думаю, когда ты госпитализируешься, Тебе будут через капельницу/уколы/таблетки вводить примерно те же лекарства. Лично мне дают лекарства, которые восстанавливают режим сна, поднимают работоспособность, снижают тревогу, делают получение удовлетворения легче, расширяют вены, тем самым понижая давление, улучшают работу мозга. И, как говорил мне психиатр, корнем проблемы является сама структура личности, которая предласполагает к этому. Ужасная интроверсированность (по крайней мере как мне сказал психиатр) приводит к нарушениям работы вегетативной нервной системы, которые вот так о себе сообщают. Рекомендую после госпитализации навестить частного психиатра для контроля ситуации в дальнейшем. Среди симптомов я могу отметить у меня иногда возникающий жар в голове, опять же головные боли, слишком долгий сон(сплю по многу раз в день), слабость. Но на данный момент всё это более-менее в прошлом, хотя небольшие фрагменты иногда всплывают, но я их быстро восстанавливаю лечением. Давай, лечись Искра, желаю тебе скорейшего выздоровления, мне будет очень жаль потерять себеподобного.


I'm so sorry to hear that :( I really hope they find out what it is and that you begin feeling better soon. I'm willing to pay my monthly pledge even if we don't get content this month. I'd rather support you especially now that you really need it with hospital bills, etc. I hope everyone else feels the same. You can finish the art at your own pace once you're feeling better :)


Mija, stay safe, I know we mean a lot to you, but you also mean a lot to us. Take breaks if you want/need to and always take care of yourself.


This suck a lot, hope you get better soon. Take care of yourself before everything else and get back to drawing when you are better and feel like it. Your health matter a lot don't neglect it.


Блин, надеюсь что все не на столько хреново как кажется.. Выздоравливай! Ты нам нужна здоровой! И возвращайся скорее, только рада буду .з.


Take all our money, just get well! Another four days... I hope the doctors will find the cause quickly and help you. Get well soon, my dear. Keep us informed.


Good speed Recovery Iskra!


Praying for you, we all have your back. Get well...

Ritter von Trost

I really hope they find out what drains your health, take your time, get well and don't worry about us. I wouldn't mind giving you the full pledge this month to help you even if you can't meet your deadline. Please keep us informed and get well soon Iskra, the world needs your art!


Please, take your time, and get well soon.


Please rest up! You need it. You’ve provided more than enough that you need to take care of yourself. :) I wish you would be able to still charge us honestly because you still deserve it. So please take care!

Jeff Kelly

Take care of yourself first.


Thank you so much! I'd feel guilty charging people for nothing. But, if I will have no other choice, I will probably create a ko-fi account for donations... Thank you so much, you're too kind!


Да, ты очень близок к правде. Предварительно мне поставили диагноз "Астено-депрессивный синдром на фоне глубокого невроза". Я тоже думаю, что после выписки я ещё долго буду принимать какие-нибудь таблетки и ходить к психотерапевту. Спасибо, что поделился своей историей, всегда чуточку легче, когда знаешь, что ты не один такой.

Sherry Khanny

Do not worry about it! And don't feel guilty if we want to do it ourselves, you're too modest and too good of a human being to even think of charging us, but that shouldn't be the case. The amount of work that you put into your art deserves much more, especially since you're going through a tough period and really need it, so don't worry about it, I'll be more than happy to help, it's the very least I can do. Please do let us know. I don't know what ko-fi is, I can even help you through PayPal, but it doesn't matter, when you set it up, be sure to announce it, so that everyone that wants to help you to be able to do it. Do you have some news, are you okay? How are you feeling? Are you in the hospital? Got an answer about your problem? I don't mean to nose in and you don't have to post any details, I just want to know you are and will be okay. Thank you so much for answering, I was really worried, I'm a bit relieved now. Hope you get better soon! Please take care! There are a lot of people here that care about you and would like to help you, however they can, so hang on tight!


У тебя ситуация запущенная. Тут одних таблеток не достаточно. На уколы, внутривенные, внутримышечные соглашайся сразу, если предлагать будут. Они очень помогают, долгосрочно. И таблетки тоже соглашайся ) Психотерапевт тоже может помочь, если хороший, но не сам по себе в таком запущенном состоянии. Только как дополнение к лекарствам от психиатра. И психотерапевт не может выписывать лекарства как правило. Только психиатр. Я лично был и у психиатра, и у психотерапевта, и псхолога, и уже знаю, чем они отличаются :3 И ты совсем не одна такая. В общем психиатры называют такую категорию людей "шизоиды" или по крайней мере людьми, имеющими схожие с шизоидами черты. Шизоид образовано от шизофрении и очевидно, что глубокая интроверсия похожа на шизофрению, поэтому шизоиды. Это не паталогия и находится в пределах нормы, не пугайся. Шизоиды не шизофреники, они примерно как ты, хотя они бывают как в более запущенных формах, так и в менее. Искорка пойдёт к психотерапевту?))) Это значит, что ты неизбежно про фуррей проболтаешься, хотел бы я это видеть ))) Но не бойся, ничего тебе не будет. Психотерапевт просто назовет тебя "интересной, необычной, оригинальной личностью" как меня :D, хотя я не про фуррей говорил, но у меня свои тараканы :D Это одна из самых крутых вещей про психотерапевтов - они говорят абсолютно на любую тему с тобой и абсолютно на полном серьезе. Это и обуславливает значительно облегчающий эффект, помимо сопутствущей терапии того или иного вида. Но вообще я считаю, что ты уже в намного лучшем состоянии, чем я, и я вообще удивился, откуда у тебя это. Ведь ты такой творческий, продуктивный человек, у которого, вроде, фанатов полно, странно. У меня-то этого всего нет, и мне кажется у меня и то ситуация легче.

Vicki M.

Here's hoping they find out what's wrong, today! With modern medicine, I'm confident that there's a treatment possible for whatever it is, even if they take a bit to figure it out. Wishing you strength until then!


Hope you get better soon, just make sure you take care of yourself