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This tiny project is taking forever but I haven't dropped it. It's really difficult to find time for personal stuff (I mean, SFW). I wonder how long will it take me to complete the rest 2 pages? Also posting 3 older pages as a reminder!




I can imagine it's taking a long time! Those background settings are amazing!


While it is true that NSFW stuff has more demand I wish to tell you that I support you doing more SFW stuff if that is what you want to do. I'll keep supporting your artistic endevors no matter what!


1st page be like What gives Kordi the most lustful look? [ ] Two big bois [X] Sandwich, bowl of soup and burger


I love it! I really do hope you find time to do more of your side-projects. You really are so creative!

Perfesser Bear

The girl eats like a student!


Glad to see that this little story keeps moving forward. I'm looking forward to see where it goes.

Vinny L

These are fantastic works you’re coming up with! Don’t worry about needing to take time away to take care of personal business. It’s essential to take care of yourself. We can wait for the next pieces you have cooking up. You’re doing great!


Im really invested in this little comic, im loving it so far!


I don't think I've ever seen Kordi so happy. I love it!