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When the demon that's inside you is ready to begin / And it feels like it's a battle that you will never win / When you're aching for the fire and begging for your sin / When there's nothing left inside, there's still a reason to fight

Just a flat coloured lineart I did today. Sorry for sad stuff and complaining again, feeling totally exhausted lately. Sometimes it feels like I just won’t ever feel healthy again, it’s been over a year since I’m catching and catching infections and viruses almost every week, going to doctors, taking pills, spending almost everything I earn on medicine yet things only get worse. I was announced that there are new cysts to be removed, tonsils to be removed, too. I’ve got no savings for all of this anymore and I have to make extra money somehow :/ But sometimes I’m just apathetic about it - what if it’s just no use to fight? Ugh.

I will get back here with more positivity and nice artwork, but later. Thank you for your support!




Im sorry to hear that you are feeling unwell again... I'll do my best to keep supporting you, i've been your fan since a long time and I wish you the best now and always... get well soon!


You and your art would be missed. Thank you for fighting.