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Ugh, at first I've been trying to make every collage manually but I realized it'd just take me forever! I produced so much pictures since 2015 that it took me a long time even to organize/rename folders and make screenshots of the files! Some of the small projects are missing tho, I'll add them later

I think it works better than Gumroad for previews: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1i6FvEZVqSueER4h1VpjYdadXklgw-4bN?usp=drive_link (you can press a "grid" view in the right for a better browsing)

Now you can pick your bonus archives from here! ^^ I hope I made it more convenient for you C:

Please tell me if you've got any further suggestions or critique!

Now I'm back to arting. Cheers!



I agree. Seeing the improvments happen like that, nice. Kinda wish I could make a slide show


nice, now i can check if my archives are complete