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Some numbers from the first Teku's Book Campaign (the first of many to come). It was awesome!

For a long time I wanted to release a printed book. Seeing the illustrations on your computer or cellphone is really cool, but seeing them in print is much better.

But I'm an artist, I like to create, draw... terrible at thinking about logistics and I never got it off the ground.

Until I found great partners to help make this project a reality.

And I didn't expect you to be so wonderful too...

And it all happened very quickly!!!!

  • 06/29 – Start of the Campaign  - 7 days later we reached half of the $30,000 goal
  • 07/18 – We reached the goal of $60,000
  • 07/30 – Campaign completed, reaching 137% of the target in 30 days!!!
  • 09/14 – Books arrived in print
  • 09/16 – All books signed
  • 10/15 – 95% of books delivered.

Between the campaign and the delivery of the project it took just 3 and a half months!

And you made me even more excited to launch the 2024 volume with illustrations from 2023. Stay tuned!!!!



DIB Gaming

Always dude can't wait for the next campaign to start will most definitely support again


I am happy that the campaign went so well. The books are great. I am ready to support the next one 👍


Looking forward to the next edition, but could you reconsider adding exclusive art? The exclusive art in the V1 is great and it sucks having it only in the book.